Ovarian Cyst During Pregnancy

Ovarian Cyst During Pregnancy


Ovarian Cyst and Pregnancy

Cyst is a kind of tumor, but it is not necessary to be frightened to hear such a diagnosis. This is a benign formation – or rather, cavity filled with fluid. In most cases it disappears with time and gives the expectant mother no major problems.

Cases when women need an operation are rare:

  • Corpus luteum cyst usually does not require special treatment if it does not cause trouble.
  • If the cyst does not resolve, and is growing, your doctor may prescribe progesterone medications.
  • In rare cases, a cyst may put pressure on other organs, be twisted or broken off. Then, the expectant mother will need a surgery, but pregnancy is retained.

What is a Cyst?

Cyst is a bubble of liquid that appears inside a body or body part. Dimensions of a cysts can vary from a few millimeters to tens of centimeters. The cyst may occur in one of the ovaries of a woman before pregnancy or during it.

There are many types of cysts in the diagnosis and treatment of which understand gynecologists and oncologists, but in this article we will focus on the so-called functional cysts, which often disappear themselves.

Is the Cyst Dangerous During Pregnancy for the Mother or the Baby?

Ovarian Cyst During Pregnancy 1

The emergence of such formation of the corpus luteum in the early stages of expectations often do not constitute a threat for the health of the expectant mother or to the child's development. Only in rare cases an ovarian cyst during pregnancy grows to large sizes. In some cases, the bubble may burst and its contents is poured out into the abdominal cavity.

Sometimes the cyst pedicle is twisted – in this situation, the blood supply is disrupted, and with a complete cessation of blood flow the cyst dies, because of which there is a risk of severe peritonitis (inflammation of the lining of the abdominal cavity), dangerous for the life of a mother and a child.

How Does the Problem Arise?

The appearance of corpus luteum cyst in early pregnancy is usually not felt. Frequently it is noticed only during a routine ultrasound.

If the cyst grows strongly and its size reaches 5-10 centimeters, a woman may experience pain in the abdomen or pelvic bloating or swelling. Due to the pressure on the bowels or the bladder a discomfort is possible in the intestinal area, or frequent urination.

With the emergence of such symptoms you need to see a doctor. Call the ambulance if suddenly there is severe abdominal pain (particularly in its lower regions), accompanied by nausea, vomiting, fever up to 38 °C.

The belly in such cases is usually stressful and when pressed becomes painful. Such symptoms may occur when a cyst pedicle is twisted or broken off.

How to Treat a Cyst in Expectant Mothers?

The cyst, which appeared in the early stages of pregnancy, usually does not require special treatment. Sometimes doctors prescribe the expectant mother "Dufaston" or "Utrogectan".

If the cyst continues to grow, the woman sometimes requires a surgery, which is usually done laparoscopically – i.e. thru a few small holes in the abdomen. Most often, such interventions do not affect the safety of pregnancy and the expectant mothers should not be worried.

Sometimes, if the cyst grows slowly and does not cause particular concern, the operation is postponed to a later date and the cyst is removed after the childbirth. In this case, at the time of pregnancy regular ultrasound diagnostics is carried out – the doctor will monitor the state of the formation and its size.

When cyst pedicle is twisted or broken off the expectant mother will almost always require an urgent surgery. Therefore, with the emergence of a sharp pain, especially if it is accompanied by a nausea, vomiting, and a rise in temperature, do not hesitate to see the doctor.

How Can I Get Pregnant if I Have a Cyst?


  • Patrease terrell says:

    I have no Varian cyst on my ovaries and I need to know what to do about it

  • Patrease terrell says:

    I’m 6 and a half weeks pregnant and I have a cyst on my ovary can I like to know what to do about it

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