Discharge During Pregnancy

Discharge During Pregnancy


Vaginal Discharge in Pregnancy

When reproductive system becomes fully functional, each teenage girl usually has vaginal discharge. It is physiological process which serves to support of local immunity, for prevention of a dissemination of infection which can get into the cavity of a small pelvis by the ascending way. That mucus is used as lubricant during a sexual intercourse. The concentration of estrogen and progesterone in the blood and their proportions are not invariant. They change during a menstrual cycle. The amount of vaginal discharge and its whole appearance strictly depend on the above condition. After conception the blood flow in pelvis is on the increase and the amount of mucus also increases.

Normal Discharge During Pregnancy

The progesterone level considerably increases during the first trimester. This leads to alterations in discharge. It then looks more yellowish and becomes viscous and odorless. At the same time there is an increase in the amount of it shouldn't cause any unpleasant feelings during contact with groin skin. And a mucus infiltration is eventually generated in defense of the developing egg against any infection in uterine cervix.

In the second and third trimesters estrogen prevails in blood and therefore the fluid concentration in discharge increases. Such changed discharge called so-called leucorrhoea is formed due to redundant transsudation of liquid through capillary walls in a mucous membrane of vagina. Their transparency on late terms of pregnancy is the evidence of the normal preparations for birth-pangs. A woman shouldn't panic if the amount of leucorrhoea is sharply increased, because it is a natural defense mechanism too. It is necessary just not to lose control of mucosal discharge to detect possible infection in time.

Pathological Discharge

The reasons which lead to pathological discharge can influence a pregnant woman in any stage of the foetus development. Because of the lasting hormonal reorganization during the first eight weeks it is possible to notice the presence of mucus of a shade of brown some days before the beginning of menstrual bleeding, that was observed in these terms before conception. Such discharge shouldn't be painful, but it is necessary to inform the obstetrician-gynecologist anyway. A proliferation of germs and fungi multiplication leads to an unpleasant smell and causes an irritating effect on the skin (as itchiness, burning). If a pregnant woman notes any similar changes, it is a reason for immediate visit to a doctor who would be able to carry out diagnostics and treatment to avoid a danger of fetal infection.

Yeast infection or candidiasis is infection that occurs more often than other and which is easier for picking up. During pregnancy the vaginal environment reaction gets more alkaline because of hormonal changes, that is especially favorable for the pathogen. It leads to multiplication of the yeasts fungi of Candida genus, and sometimes a white "cottage cheese-like" discharge of viscous consistency from the vagina.

Candida relates to the contents of a typical vaginas mucous (normal microflora) and therefore it is difficult to eliminate it totally. Because of that, the probability for multiple relapses and even a premature labor will remain acceptable. The doctor has very limited therapeutic agents due to patient pregnancy, so the desirable effect could be reached very seldom. But a woman shouldn't self-medicate at all as it could seriously hurt her baby. Phytotherapy and localised effects are preferable. It could be better for a patient to get on being syringed by infusions of juniper, chamomile or chistotel.

Inflammatory Discharge

Discharge During Pregnancy 1

Human tissues have their unique protein markers, and the foetus forms its own set of similar features, different from mother's one. Therefore cells of the parent immune system perceive the foetus as an alien object. To minimize a negative influence over it, all protective reactions during pregnancy are suppressed. А woman becomes defenseless, could get SARS and an inflammation of reproductive system more often. Except variation of discharge in infection, sexual intercourse may be painful and there would be various irritations on the groin and genital skin (itchness, flushing, a burning sensation).

The bright green discharge with an unpleasant odour causing discomfort at contact with skin would be considered as clear indications of inflammatory process activization. This process can have the most various nature and be arisen by gram-negative pathogens, such as stafilokokka or colibacillus. If at the beginning of the first trimester similar signs have been noted, then treatment should be started immediately as any delay can lead to spontaneous abortion. When planning pregnancy microbiological tests of vaginal fluids surely undertake. So far pathological bacteria has been detected by performing the tests, an antibiotic treatment should be adopted to avoid troubles at baby incubation.

Hlamidiya, a trichomonad, gonokokk and other causative agents of sexually transmitted diseases are likely to cause inflammatory discharge. It is desirable to be checked and, if necessary, to treat STD before conception. If any of such bacteria  diagnosed early in the pregnancy, a course of antibiotics used to be treated. It is known that the short-term effect of antibiotics on the foetus is less dangerous, than pathogenic bacteria influence. But, if a pregnant woman has chronic illness of that kind, it is more rational to wait for full development of a baby and the woman should not be treated before the sixth or seventh month or later.

Bloody Discharge

If a pregnant woman has a dull pain in the bottom of a stomach (during the early-stage pregnancy), or contraction pain in it (during the late-stage pregnancy), compounded by bloody discharge, then the serious health problem could arise – the threat of pregnancy termination. Developing egg is gradually detached from the  uterus walls. And that is the same dangerous for both parent and baby's lives. At slightest and even the most insignificant discharge with blood, it is necessary to call the doctor urgently.

Threat of an abortion during the early-stage pregnancy develops as a uterus hyper tone by ultrasonography. A future mother would be, most likely, reported by the expert, which performed evaluations. The other symptoms of this threat include a long-lasting disturbing pain in the bottom of a stomach in a small pelvis about. These symptoms can't be passed and they demand the fastest intervention. Developing egg is not detached yet from the uterus walls, so therefore staying in bed and a course of hormonal and spasmolitic preparations would eliminate dangers. The foetus rejection during the early-stage pregnancy could be recognized if discharge suddenly becomes bloody. Here is much more difficult and more dangerous situation, so it is necessary to call in ambulance immediately and then, most likely, it would be necessary to spend some time in hospital until stabilization of clinical manifestation. Treatment includes a great number of medicaments and medical manipulations, much greater, than in the previous case. Unfortunately, sometimes the foetus rejection may be irreversible.

If during the early-stage pregnancy a woman is diagnosed threat of spontaneous abortion, it could remain a potential danger until the childbirth, though it would become less after four months when a formation of the placenta comes to an end. The placenta undertakes endocrine functions, produces a number of hormones that relatively stabilize the state of woman's organism, and, besides, reliably grows into uterus walls.

But the major prerequisite for successful birth of a baby (which is important to adhere) is to live most quietly and steady. And it is necessary to make every effort to exclude possible influence of negative factors that could provoke placenta detachment. Those factors imply heavy psycho-emotional agitations, any blows to the stomach including when falling, certain infectious diseases, arterial hypertension. Therefore a pregnant woman has to be able to relax, avoid serious loadings and to constantly control the level of arterial pressure, especially while tending to a hypertension before conception. Since placenta detachment leads to the heavy uterine bleeding threatening lives of mother and child.

Discharge During Ectopic Pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy, or as they call it, tubal pregnancy can also cause discharge with blood impurity. The positive test for pregnancy isn't a guarantee of the correct arrangement of developing egg. On the fifth or sixth week it would be worthwhile to carry out control ultrasonography research to exclude option of an atypical attachment of the foetus. Ultrasonic waves aren't dangerous to the developing organism and therefore they are so widely applied in gynecology and obstetrics. Thus, ultrasound works best when performed from within the vagina. Each girl should remember it if she doesn't want to trust the doctors. Tubal pregnancy may result in rupturing uterine tube and hemorrhage into the abdominal cavity, which is very difficult to hold up, as well as in a case with placenta detachment.

Around the time of labour the mucous stopper departs. This stopper reliably closed uterus all previous time. This process also leads to discharge with small bloody traces. That is due to cervix opening, when the mucous membrane is a little injured by the edges of its channel. The unstable hormonal profile often leads to the erosion of cervix for a pregnant woman. In this case the woman is sure to notice a blood slime in appeared discharge. It is necessary to report about all similar facts to the expert watching by a pregnant woman as soon as possible. There is also a need to remember that only the doctor, having personally examined the patient, can find out firsthand why there were bloody discharge during pregnancy and what to do in this concrete situation. And it is important to avoid self-diagnostics.

The organism of a pregnant woman is about to undergo substantial changes and at the price of improbable efforts keeps a fragile inner balance to create conditions for development of new life. Therefore future mothers need to analyze carefully all the feelings and to tell about the slightest deviations from a usual state of health to the doctor. Because there might be different types of pathologies that could be almost asymptomatically amplified at this period. Sometimes discharge during pregnancy is the sole concession to the presence of internal malfunctions, as they are in the case of candidiasis. Therefore the character of discharge needs to be monitored and fixed. Any independent treatment, the use of medicines, except appointed by the doctors, and application of doubtful unchecked methods of therapy is forbidden. It threatens the infant’s wellbeing, would strengthen an illness and may potentially complicate further recovery.

Discharge During Pregnancy: When to Worry

One Comment

  • Surita khan says:

    I am 8 weeks pregnant. But have no discharge from vagina. Is it normal?

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