Shortness Of Breath During Pregnancy

Shortness Of Breath During Pregnancy


Shortness of Breath in Early Pregnancy

Shortness of breath is a violation of the depth and frequency of breathing, which is accompanied by severe shortage of air. Such a condition often overtakes women during gestation of a baby. First, it becomes difficult to climb to the upper floors, then she cannot take a deep breath, and then more likely the whole seizure occurs, when the breathing is hard, and the heart is beating too fast. Why there is shortness of breath during pregnancy and how to deal with it at various stages of carrying a child should know all expectant mothers.


The reasons for this serious and unpleasant phenomenon, which darkens the lives of many pregnant women, can be very different and depend on which month of the development of the baby it was manifested. If there is shortness of breath during early pregnancy, it could be provoked by incorrect way of life that continues the expectant mother, not wanting to give up the small pleasures of life, as well as some of the most serious internal diseases.

At this stage, reasons of shortness of breath may be:

  • powerful exercise;
  • severe emotional stress;
  • too abrupt hormonal surges during pregnancy can also cause shortness of breath;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • anemia;
  • increased amount of blood circulating in the body;
  • pulmonary diseases: tuberculosis, asthma and others;
  • wearing tight, synthetic clothing.

However, in the early stages, this nuisance rarely worries future mums and they fully enjoy the happiness of their position.

Most often the shortness of breath occurs during pregnancy in the second trimester because in this period there have been serious changes in the body:

  • the fetus is gradually gaining weight – therefore requires more space;
  • to give freedom to the growing "giant", the uterus stretches and begins to put pressure on the organs which are close to it;
  • it feels the pressure of the diaphragm, so that women from the second half of pregnancy feel the first symptoms of shortness of breath, even though they are not yet strong enough;
  • the degree of difficulty in breathing in this period depends on how high the uterus rises with each passing day;
  • increased symptoms of shortness of breath at the same time are the anemia, smoking, alcohol, improper clothing, and some diseases of internal organs, especially in this case – lungs.

Particularly shortness of breath intensifies in the third trimester of pregnancy, as for the increased uterus it is difficult to fit in the body, and even more it starts to press on the diaphragm. There you will have to wait, but the good thing is that it will not last for long. A couple of weeks before the birth the baby descends into the pelvis and the uterus stops a pressure on the diaphragm. The woman herself will feel how easy it has become to breathe. However, this happens far not with all, and someone has to suffer from this scourge to the last.

The above causes of shortness of breath during pregnancy help understand the expectant mothers that all that is happening to them is only natural. The only question is how to facilitate this unpleasant and quite a serious condition.

Methods to Get Rid of Shortness of Breath During Pregnancy

Shortness Of Breath During Pregnancy 1

If you already have the 1st trimester of pregnancy marked by shortness of breath, a woman should reconsider her lifestyle by eliminating all the factors that could trigger this ailment.

  • Consult your doctor to be tested for the presence of various internal diseases (especially lungs).
  • Reduce physical activity.
  • Avoid emotional surge.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol.
  • Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing made of natural materials.

Each woman should adhere to these rules throughout pregnancy to ease shortness of breath. Also, if it's only the uterus increasing day by day, it is necessary to try to use the long-proven methods that enable, if not eliminate breathlessness at all, or at least substantially alleviate the seizures.

  • Start doing breathing exercises.
  • Try to sleep reclining.
  • Walk more often in the fresh air.
  • Regularly ventilate the room in which you are for a long time.
  • Sitting at the computer or television, change posture as often as possible.
  • Eat small portions, but more often: this will keep your stomach a little relaxed, and that it will take over the main pressure of the uterus, as it is located in close proximity to it.
  • With the permission of a doctor during pregnancy you can take soothing herbs – valerian or motherwort.
  • During the seizures you need to learn to control the situation and do not panic.

If we consider these artless but very useful and actionable recommendations shortness of breath during pregnancy will be over. No need to suffer from bouts of shortness of breath: it will affect the emotional state of the expectant mother and it will not lead to anything good.

Shortness of Breath During Pregnancy: When to Worry

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