Scarlet Fever

Scarlet Fever


What Is Scarlet Fever?

Scarlet fever is a disease with a very beautiful name and with a very unpleasant symptoms strikes mostly children. What is the prevention for scarlet fever in children, what are the main symptoms of scarlet fever in children, and where to start its treatment – all is in this article.

Causes And Symptoms Of Scarlet Fever In Children

The reason for the infection of scarlet fever is the bacterium streptococcus pyogenic. This bacterium enters the group A of streptococcal infections. In addition to scarlet fever, this bacterium may also cause other illnesses, such as strep throat, toxic shock syndrome, Impetigo. We can say that all these are forms of the same disease. Symptoms of scarlet fever in children begins with inflammation of the throat. Signs of illness in this case coincide with signs of pharyngitis: rash, high fever, headaches and difficulty swallowing. This form of the disease may develop in a rare but serious disease-rheumatoid fever, which can cause damage to the heart valves, as well as provoke inflammation in the kidneys.

The most common symptoms of scarlet fever in children, parents usually notice in the form of a bright red rash over most of the body of a child. Another distinctive symptom of scarlet fever in children are so-called Pastyi lines-red stripes, which are formed in the folds of the skin, especially in the neck, knees, groin, armpits and elbows.

In severe cases the symptoms of scarlet fever in children can include very high temperatures up to 40 degrees Celsius, the red bumps on the tongue, swollen lymph nodes, nausea and vomiting.
How to conduct a test for scarlet fever in children?

If the doctor checking symptoms, suspects a child has strep infection, he will take on analysis of material from the tonsils and the back of the throat of a child. It is there where streptococcal bacteria are bred. The test for strep bacteria is needed because the symptoms of scarlet fever can cause other illnesses that require very different treatment.

The Duration Of The Illness And Possible Complications

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In case of timely treatment scarlet fever goes easily enough: the temperature drops on 3-4 day of the disease, at the same time (or even earlier) the rash disappears. Changes in the tongue, the dryness of the skin with subsequent desquamation may persist 2-3 weeks.

In the absence of adequate treatment and for some other reason (weakness of the protective forces, highly aggressive strain of streptococcus infection, susceptibility to autoimmune processes) complications can develop. All the complications of scarlet fever is divided into three large groups: toxic, septic and allergic.

Toxic. These include infectious-toxic shock, evolving in the early days of the disease amid lots of highly aggressive and highly toxic strain of streptococcus. It is characterized by sharp weakness up to loss of consciousness and coma, paleness, falling blood pressure, oppression breathing, heart disorders, etc. At present, is extremely rare. Septic. This group includes a variety of suppurative infections-common necrotic tonsillitis, otitis, purulent lymphadenitis, peritonsillar abscess, pneumonia, etc. The most severe are the sepsis and purulent meningitis.

Septic complications may be early (occur in the first week of illness) and late (developed 2 weeks later and more). Septic complications usually associated with inadequate antimicrobial therapy (late appointment, unfinished course, drug inactive against streptococcus) or complete lack of antibiotics in the treatment of patients.

Allergic (infectious-allergic) are always late to emerge by week 2-3. These include joints, kidneys, heart damage after the scarlet fever. Allergic complications arise from the fact that streptococcus antigens, are similar in its structure with some cells in the human body. Because of this similarity, the immune system, starting to fight with streptococcus, impairs not only alien microbial cells, but also its own-autoallergic rheumatic fever, myocarditis, glomerulonephritis, etc. are developing. To prevent infection-allergic complications, you must start the antibacterial therapy as soon as possible and conduct a full course.

Scarlet Fever In Babies: Treatment

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Treatment for scarlet fever in children, doctors usually start with antibiotics-drugs whose purpose is to destroy various kinds of bacteria. A full course of antibiotics, typically lasts ten days. And you should not stop the medications, even if the symptoms of scarlet fever in children are ceased, otherwise the effectiveness of the entire course of treatment will be reduced to zero. And while the child is taking antibiotics, you can use additional means of domestic medicine to speed recovery.

One of the most acute symptoms of scarlet fever in children is severe pain in the throat. It will be much easier to live for your child if you try alleviate this pain. This help both as low temperature-cold drinks or ice cream and warm-hot tea or broth. A classic remedy, which facilitates the irritation and dryness in the throat are lollipops, such as Strepsils. Remember that some types of such drops contain ingredients that cause drowsiness. In addition, there are age restrictions: to children aged 4 years and over such lollipops or caramel can be given, and those who are younger, no-they can choke.

The next step in the treatment of scarlet fever in children-getting rid of the itchiness. A characteristic rash that is a symptom of scarlet fever usually itches badly, especially towards the end, when it starts to peel off and becomes similar to a sunburn. Relieving the itching can be done by using antihistamine drugs or by using of corticosteroids in the form of creams for the skin.

You will strongly help the treatment of scarlet fever in children if you constantly remind them that they should drink plenty of liquids. This need to maintain a wet environment inside the throat and to avoid dehydration. Best of all, if this is just water. A child needs to drink at least eight glasses of water a day. Fighting dehydration is especially important at a time when scarlet fever in children is accompanied by high temperature.

Treatment for scarlet fever in children can be performed using drugs available without prescription. For example, to control the temperature and relieve a sore throat ibuprofen or acetaminophen will do. Both of these remedies are available in drugstores or supermarkets. Remember that young children should not be given aspirin because of the risk of getting Reye’s syndrome, a rare and potentially deadly diseases.

Prevention Of Scarlet Fever

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Scarlet fever is a highly contagious disease. It is transmitted through close physical contact with patients or by inhalation of bacteria that are found in saliva droplets of a sneezing or coughing person.

Doctors have not yet invented the vaccine against scarlet fever, it can be only be protected against by precautionary measures. Scarlet fever prevention rules are so simple, like any other infection prevention rules. The only problem is that not all the children perform them. The challenge for parents to instill in your child the following healthy habits:

Firstly, prevention of scarlet fever begins with the fact that you need to wash your hands as often as possible, encourage the child to do it properly, with warm water and soap;

Secondly, do not let him share with anyone tableware or food-usually it very often happens in school, when a child is sharing cutlery with friends or classmates, although for adults such behavior is not natural, but remember that when you were in school, you often did like that;

Thirdly, to prevent scarlet fever, it is very important to explain to the child that he should try to stay away from the coughing and sneezing people. On the other hand, such rules must operate in both directions, so the child also needs to be taught to coer his mouth when he coughs or sneezes when he is sick, to prevent the potential spread of germs.

And if you are late for scarlet fever prevention, and your kid is sick, you need to stop the possible spread of the disease: wash the glasses and dishes, which the child uses, wash the toys in hot soapy water or in the dishwasher. Although scarlet fever among adults is very rare, infection can still happen. It is especially important to take precautions to prevent scarlet fever, if there is a pregnant woman in the house.

Video: Natural Home Remedies for Scarlet FeverĀ 

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