Dry Skin During Pregnancy

Dry Skin During Pregnancy


Dry Skin in Pregnancy

Hormonal background of women during pregnancy changes dramatically. This is reflected in her mood and appearance. There is a perception that the process of carrying the child has a beneficial effect on the skin and hair, women are blooming so to say.

In fact, this statement applies not to all. Many pregnant women during the nine months, and especially since the second trimester, are faced with problems of dryness and peeling of the skin.

Causes of Dry Skin During Pregnancy

Pregnant women primarily have dry skin on the feet, hands, neck and face. In addition to signs of flaking, there is increased sensitivity and irritation at those parts of the body.

The reason for this phenomenon is often the increased body's need for water. For normal life and childbearing on 4-5th month pregnant woman need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. During this period the amount of blood increases in the body and the formation of amniotic fluid takes place. All the liquids entering the body, serve primarily to the needs of the future child, and the mother's skin may be missed. After the 20th week of pregnancy tissues and organs, by contrast, are trying to hold the necessary amount of moisture, so liquids consumption is reduced to 1-1,5 l a day.

The shift in the work of the endocrine system leads to the fact that estrogen reduces the excretory activity of the sebaceous glands. Sebum is not produced in quantities necessary for complete hydration of the skin. Other hormone-progesterone, which is responsible for skin elasticity, also at some stage significantly reduces its concentration in the blood, that sometimes leads to feeling of dryness and the emergence of acne.

Dryness and thinning of the skin, brittle hair and nails in combination with other symptoms may indicate the development of hypothyroidism, or, in other words, reduced secretion of thyroid hormone.

Lack of vitamin A can also cause symptoms in the form of flaking of the skin. This gap can be filled by using the diverse food, intake of fish oil or special vitamin complexes. Sociological survey of pregnant women conducted in England, showed that 90 % of the ladies in varying degrees demonstrated signs of skin dryness, its flaking, there was a feeling of itching and skin irritations have appeared.

Peculiarities of Care for Dry Skin During Pregnancy

Dry Skin in Pregnancy

During the period of gestation, women need to be wary of not only the intake of drugs, but also carefully select skin care cosmetic products. Substances in the composition of these agents get deeply into the skin and then into the body tissues. Some of them can adversely affect the intrauterine development of the child. At this time a strict ban on any hormonal drugs and cosmetics on the basis of unsafe chemicals is in force.

Optimal prevention and getting rid of the signs of dry skin are the following measures:

  • daily drinking the required amount of clean water;
  • good nutrition;
  • rational day regimen, enough rest;
  • do not use the soap for facial wash;
  • 2 times a day use a special foam for washing;
  • use safe moisturizers, emollients and sunscreens;
  • remove signs of flaking by using a soft scrub;
  • periodically (once a week) put on the skin a hydrating mask;
  • protect the hand skin from the negative effects, use gloves for household cleaning;
  • in heating season control humidity, improve its performance by using a humidifier;
  • not get carried away in taking a bath, it is better to use special oil instead of bath gel;
  • apply for skin moisturizing oils such as olive and sesame.

These measures will help greatly improve the condition of the skin. If simple rules fail, it is better to consult a dermatologist.

Masks for Dry Skin

Using natural ingredients at home, you can prepare nourishing and revitalizing skin agents.

Here are a few popular recipes of homemade masks:

  1. Vitamin mask. For its manufacturing ampules with vitamins E and A need to be purchased in a drugstore. Their oily structure is a great basis for any nourishing masks. In a few spoonfuls of finely chopped oatmeal a little of olive oil and 2-3 drops of each vitamin are added. The mask is held for 15 minutes on your face.
  2. Mask of yolk and oatmeal. You need to cook a small amount of milk oatmeal, add avocado oil and then put yolk of raw chicken egg. The mask is put on cleansed skin of face and held for 20 minutes.
  3. Mask of pears. The fruit is mashed together with peel, add 1 tablespoon of olive oil and as much yogurt without additives. The mixture is applied in a thick layer for 15 minutes.
  4. Mask of cottage cheese. No more than two teaspoons of homemade cottage cheese are mixed with 1 teaspoon of fresh parsley juice, add flaxseed oil (2 teaspoons), fish oil (0.5 teaspoon) and orange zest. After 10 minutes the mask is washed away by a cold decoction of parsley. After this procedure, it is advisable to apply nourishing cream on a face.

Skin, prone to dryness during pregnancy and after childbirth needs special care. It needs special substances that have nutritional properties and are able to provide protection from the negative effects of the environment. Proper and regular skin care during pregnancy will spare a woman from feeling uncomfortable and give her the opportunity to enjoy this remarkable time.

Common Skin Changes During Pregnancy

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