Brown Discharge During Pregnancy

Brown Discharge During Pregnancy


Brown Vaginal Discharge in Pregnancy

During the pregnancy, the woman's body requires special monitoring. Even a minor health problem is worth visiting your doctor. After all, this could be the beginning of a serious disease that can be prevented if you take all the necessary steps. Brown discharge is a common problem of the expectant mothers. Some that it’s not important, but they are not right. Let's look at the causes for this complicated and dangerous phenomenon.

Ectopic Pregnancy

Brown discharge can appear after the egg rejection in the ectopic pregnancy. This process is followed by vaginal bleeding, this all happens in the early stages, so the woman may be unaware of her pregnancy.

Usually, the fear of bleeding vanishes with the beginning of the second trimester, but appears anew before the baby’s birth. The sooner the doctor’s advice about the reason of vaginal bleeding is asked, the higher are chances to rescue the pregnant.

Brown Discharge in the Early Stages of Pregnancy

Progesterone is a hormone performing very important functions in the female body. Vaginal discharge fully depends on this hormone secretion. At the 13-14 week of pregnancy women can notice profuse transparent vaginal discharge. The estrogen hormone causes this kind of discharge. The discharge depends on the woman’s health. If it acquires a color and a smell, you must immediately inform you doctor. The doctor will prescribe testing, which will help to detect the reason for this unpleasant phenomenon. The doctor can as well prescribe a special treatment.

Harbingers of a preterm birth can also cause dark brown discharge. It’s necessary immediately ask the doctor’s advice. In this case, the doctor will prescribe bed rest, and medication to preserve the pregnancy and increase the chances to bear the baby until the end of the term. The miscarriage causes heavy bleeding that grows stronger over time. The pain is usually not severe, but there is strong tingling and pain in the lower abdomen. This typically occurs in the early stages of pregnancy and the chances to preserve the baby are very high. The most important thing is to seek the doctor’s advice on time and take all the proper measures.

If the miscarriage has caused blood clots, bleeding and tingling in the lower abdominal, that may mean the fertilized egg hasn’t come out completely. Retained products and blood clots cause bleeding. In this situation, the dilation and curettage (D&C) must be performed. This is a gynecological surgery removing the fetus’ remnants from the uterus.

Dark brown discharge accompanied by dizziness, decline of the forces, and severe tingling in the lower abdomen may be caused by the fetus’ expulsion, and requires an emergency abortion. In this case, the D&C is also performed to clear up the uterus from blood clots and the fetus itself.

Brown Discharge in the Late Stages of Pregnancy

Brown Discharge During Pregnancy 1

Usually in the late stages of pregnancy, the bleeding occurs very rarely, as a rule the woman is unprepared for it, as she is waiting only for her baby to appear and doesn’t think about anything else. All the same, this may happen, and in this case, brown discharge is likely to be caused by the placenta destruction. Placenta malfunctions cause small blood discharge.

Cervical erosion or an inflammation can also cause blood discharge in the late stages of pregnancy.

Harbingers of Birth

Vaginal discharge may testify that the birth date is drawing near, and the long-awaited baby will soon see the light. However, it is all very individual: some women may have this discharge few weeks before the birth, the others- just few minutes before the contractions start.

Uterine Rupture

Another cause for dark brown discharge is the uterine rupture. This happens in women who have already had abortions or have scars on the uterus.

Necessary Actions

Now you can draw conclusions from the causes mentioned above. If the reason for dark brown discharge is erosion or other sexual diseases, you should as soon as possible see the doctor to identify the reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon and receive proper treatment. It is also necessary to make tests assigned by the doctor, which will allow him to establish a diagnosis and prescribe you special treatment. After the course of treatment, the chances to bear a healthy child are very high.

If the discharge is caused by the placenta disorders, you have to avoid walks and physical activity. You need bed rest. The body is so weakened that needs rest and relaxation. After a good rest you will feel much better.

When you see dark brown discharge, urgently visit your doctor to identify the true cause of it, as in most cases it’s abnormal to have such discharge. If the discharge is accompanied by pain, immediately call an ambulance. The sooner you tell the doctor about your problem, the higher are chances to avoid unpleasant consequences for both the baby and yourself.

Video: Brown Discharge in Early Pregnancy

One Comment

  • Alexa says:

    I have had brown discharge for three days. Please tell me this is normal for the 8th week?

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