Itchy Legs During Pregnancy

Itchy Legs During Pregnancy


Itchy Legs in Pregnancy

Itchy legs are common for a pregnant woman. Women usually ignore this symptom, thinking it can’t be anything serious. It is a big mistake as itching can be a sign of a serious condition. So what should a future mom do in this situation?

Itching During Pregnancy: Reasons

Itchy legs can be caused by various reasons. The most common is swelling (in the second half of pregnancy) that causes itching in the lower legs and ankles. The swelling makes the skin stretch and leads to microtraumas. This condition will cause severe itching, which usually stays up till the delivery.

In some cases itching is the result of cholestatic hepatosis, a very severe complication of pregnancy. It is believed that this disease develops in cases where different medications are taken uncontrollably during pregnancy. Cholestatic hepatosis refers to a liver and gall bladder condition, where a big volume of bile is discharged causing itching not only in legs, but also in the whole body. The unpleasant sensation increases during nighttime causing a bad night sleep. A doctor should supervise women who suffer from this disease during the whole pregnancy.

Another reason for itching is varicose veins in legs. Legs become itchy when the blood vessels enlarge and swell. In this case a woman needs a phlebologist’s consultation and blood coagulation system supervision.

Chronic skin diseases may transform into acute forms during pregnancy. Itchiness can be caused by allergic contact dermatitis or other pathology that requires a dermatologist’s consultation. Topical sedatives ease a future mom’s condition by reducing unpleasant sensation.

What Should You do About Itchy Legs During Pregnancy?

Itchy Legs During Pregnancy 1

A pregnant woman who has itchy legs should go to a doctor as soon as possible. First of all, a cholestatic hepatosis needs to be ruled out as a very serious complication of pregnancy. A doctor does an initial examination, which is followed by a blood test. The blood test shows all the changes in the body. If the levels of liver and gallbladder enzymes are high, a future mom gets prescription for the medication.

In this case, a woman needs to discontinue taking all other medications, including vitamins, because liver needs relief to fight the symptoms of cholestatic hepatosis.

To prevent a cholestatic hepatosis from developing, every medication a future mom takes should be prescribed by a doctor. No need to take extra drugs. The liver is very vulnerable during pregnancy and each additional drug might cause a problem.

Diuretic herbal treatments can reduce edema as the cause of itching. In particular, such treatments as Indian kidney tea, brusniver and kanefron. They support the kidneys by helping to relieve fluid retention and reducing swelling. As soon as swelling is gone, the itching stops. Another treatment is infusions of cranberries, currants and bilberries.

Skin diseases are usually treated with medications that reduce itching and inflammation. This can be a special cream or an ointment, but only prescribed by a doctor. Remember that many medications are prohibited during pregnancy as they can affect both a mother and a child.

If itchiness is from an allergic reaction, the cause should be identified. It can be a new soap or a washing powder. Often itchiness is caused by clothes made of poor quality synthetic materials or by a new body lotion. Stop using them and unpleasant symptoms will go away.

How Can Relieve Itching In Your Legs

There are various emollient creams that can help soothe the itch. You can buy them in a pharmacy without a doctor’s prescription. They reduce the irritation and help moisturize the skin. If an allergic dermatosis is the cause of the itchiness, then an emollient cream is enough to fight it. In other cases, some medications and a specialist’s consultation will be required.

Drinking plenty of fluids can help the skin regain elasticity and stop the itch. Warm baths with herbal extracts (chamomile, sage etc.) also help to soothe the itchiness. You can find it helpful to put your legs in an upright position. This exercise can help not only reduce the itch but also relieve swelling and tiredness in your legs after a long day.

No matter what was the reason that caused the itchiness, a future mom should see her doctor immediately after first symptoms. Early consultation with a doctor can help not only reduce the itchiness, but also prevent more serious complications during pregnancy.

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