Aspirin During Pregnancy

Aspirin During Pregnancy


Instruction for Use

In the period of pregnancy, the use of any medical drug preparation can cause harm to a fetus, as well as to a woman herself regardless of the components belonging to drugs. In addition, even the intake of vitamins can threaten with danger for an organism in this period. Many mistakenly consider Aspirin a safe drug, therefore they actively use it for prophylactic purposes. Let`s consider the effect of this drug on an organism in greater detail.

Aspirin in Pregnancy Salicyl Risks

In the period of pregnancy, one can not take Aspirin in the first and in the third trimester in accordance with its instruction. The contraindications in the first trimester are conditioned by negative effect of this drug on formation of organs and systems of the fetus, and in the third trimester – by a possible emerging of bleedings, which are associated with low blood coagulability. However, the intake of Aspirin turned out even to be necessary up to the 36th week.

In the opinion of some physicians, the Aspirin use is inexpedient during all the period of pregnancy because of presence of side effects, they recommend their patients more attenuated medicinal preparations. Acetylsalicylic acid can cause the following negative consequences, as: nausea, anorexia, gastralgia, diarrhea, skin rash, Quincke's disease, edema, compromised functioning of the liver and kidneys, thrombocytopenia, anemia, leukopenia, Reye's syndrome, formation of bronchial asthma, hypocoagulation, bleedings, bronchial spasm, interstitial nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, aseptic meningitis, kidney and heart failure, edemas.

Despite conducting of numerous research related to the revelation of positive and adverse effect of Aspirin on a fetus and progress of pregnancy itself, the one hundred per cent unambiguous answer was never given.

Reasons, which tell one should not use Aspirin while pregnancy:

  • if the mother has blood discharge;
  • if there is the child's development of cardiac and pulmonary complications;
  • if there is a risk of a pregnancy complication;
  • in case of prolonged pregnancy;
  • in case of a poor fetal development;
  • if there is a danger of miscarriage;
  • if there is a danger of the placenta detachment.

In the opinion of Danish scientists, disturbance of reproductive functions of male sex babies and their development of pathology of testicles can be provoked by the Aspirin intake. The usual doses of Acetylsalicylic acid do not fit for the pregnant women intake, because only the micro doses are able to cause positive and helpful effect, on the mother's organism, as well as on her child.

Safe Dosage

Aspirin During Pregnancy 1

The change of the dosage of this drug is able to influence a pregnant woman, as well as a fetus. In other words, Aspirin can harm instead of bringing good. There is a scientific explanation to this. During the intake of Aspirin in a large quantity (more than 1500 mg a day), its penetration through the placenta happens and accordingly, there is an effect on a fetus, and consequently, disorders and a possible onset of hypotrophy will be revealed. And a small dosage of this medicinal preparation will have only positive effect on pregnancy. Therefore, the pregnant woman must take not more than 100 mg of Aspirin a day for achievement of therapeutic effect, which is regulated by the Ministry of Health. At such minimum concentration of drug substance in blood no negative effect on a fetus will follow.

For What Purposes is Aspirin Prescribed for Pregnant Women?

Continuous "destruction" of a headache with the help of Aspirin intake, despite its benefit and safety in small doses, in the period of pregnancy, one should better refuse it switching for Paracetamol intake. It is related to reinforced blood coagulability, which is threatening a fetus's insufficient provision of oxygen and nutrients if a pregnant woman has bad circulation of blood.

In case of suspicion of an antiphospholipid antibody syndrome in the period of pregnancy, the day dosage must not exceed 1/4 of a tablet one time. In addition, this dose contributes to prevention of spasm of vessels, which will exert positive influence on a placenta, i. e. placental circulation of blood's becoming normative; to the reduction of placental failure, and deceleration of the aging process of the placenta will occur.

If the pregnant woman suffers from varix, instead of Aspirin, the application of such safe drug, as Curantyl, is considered most expedient. Instead of Aspirin, eating of beet, cranberries, carrot and kiwi is also recommended by medical practitioners. Based on the results of some studies, it was found out, that in case of preeclampsia development, Aspirin in a small amount was also useful because its intake could protect from a gestosis. If pregnant women have rheumatic diseases, the use of Aspirin is also recommended by gynecologists, which protects against nephropathy development.

Can One take Aspirin While Pregnancy?

The application of Aspirin in the period of pregnancy is possible only after a consultation with a doctor. One must mean, today Aspirin has a lot of names and it can belong to different medicines. In the period of pregnancy one can not use such remedies, as: Atselizin, Askofen, Asfen, Methyl salicylate, Mesalazine, Kversalin, Sedalgin, Salicylamide, Kofitsil, Cefekon, Citramonum.

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