Stuffy Nose During Pregnancy

Stuffy Nose During Pregnancy


Stuffy Nose in Pregnancy

Stuffy nose during pregnancy is a common phenomenon. For 30 per cent of women stuffy nose accompanies pregnancy, like other unpleasant symptoms, such as toxicity, edema, back pain.

Causes and Symptoms of Stuffy Nose During Pregnancy

Rhinitis can be the cause of stuffy nose during pregnancy. It occurs when tissue in the nose become inflamed and swollen. Due to which the breathing becomes difficult, you can start sneezing and runny nose may appear. Rhinitis during pregnancy is similar to a runny nose of allergic nature. And can be caused by environmental impacts. Stuffy nose during pregnancy is very common in the first three to six months. And all the signs of it may completely disappear immediately after two weeks as a child is born.

If you have rhinitis during pregnancy, symptoms will manifest itself in the form of stuffy nose, sneezing, itching sensations in the nose and even cough. Some pregnant women may experience headaches. Some studies suggest that rhinitis during pregnancy is hormonal in nature. Because the body of a pregnant woman actively secretes estrogen. This hormone affects the increase in mucus and provokes swelling of tissues in the nose and is the cause of stuffy nose during pregnancy.

Rhinitis, causing stuffy nose during pregnancy poses no danger neither to mom, nor to a future baby. But it makes a pregnant woman's life uncomfortable. It can disrupt sleep, which will increase irritability and a constant feeling of fatigue. If the cause of the stuffy nose is an acute rhinitis, one has to be careful and start treatment in time, because it can give complications on the ears, and develop into chronic sinusitis. In any case, be sure to see the doctor for him to correctly diagnose the cause of stuffy nose during pregnancy.

Treatment of Stuffy Nose During Pregnancy

If the stuffy nose during pregnancy is not caused by colds, acute rhinitis or sinusitis. And it has been established by a physician at a consultation. Then simple rules and traditional medicine can remove the swollen nose, unpleasant symptoms of so-called rhinitis during pregnancy. Because the medication is contraindicated here, and it should be carried out only with the permission and under the supervision of a physician.

So, at home to reduce the manifestations of this syndrome during pregnancy can be achieved by the following:

  • Drink plenty of water every day. Exclude coffee and other caffeinated products, not to cause dehydration.
  • Monitor humidity in the apartment. If you want buy special humidifiers. This will reduce the load on the nose, it will not dry up, and the tissue in it would be less irritated.
  • Stay away from different stimuli, including allergic, such as smoke, powder and so on.
  • If it is cold outside, wear warm clothes, so as not to exacerbate the situation with the stuffy nose during pregnancy.
  • Exercise in small quantities will help disperse the blood, thereby relieve swelling of tissue in the nose. And alleviate the symptoms of stuffy nose during pregnancy.

Procedures that can relieve stuffy nose during pregnancy, and are non-medication:

  • Exercises for breathing. One nostril is pressed with your finger, through the other make a deep breath and exhale. Then change the nostrils. Through one inhale, through the other exhale. Or inhale through your nose, and exhale through your mouth.
  • Acupressure. Press on point on the bridge of the nose, massaging in circular motion. Then, massage the nose wings by forefingers, gently pressing. Then press on the area between the nose and lips, there lies the cavity, and also on the cavity on the chin. Repeat several times a day.
  • Warming up for the legs. Wear socks at bedtime, preliminary filling them with mustard. Warming reduces tissue swelling in the nose.
  • Horseradish mixture. Mix horseradish, finely grated, with apples, add a tiny bit of sugar. A small amount of this mixture, two tablespoons per day will relieve the stuffy nose. Horseradish generally improves immunity and fights bacteria.

These simple guidelines will remove stuffy nose during pregnancy, and not causing harm to the health of the baby. But resort to self-medication you can after consultation with the doctor. Because the causes of stuffy nose during pregnancy can only be determined correctly by a specialist.

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