Losing Baby Teeth in Kids

Losing Baby Teeth in Kids


Early Loss of Baby Teeth

Milk tooth usually stays in place until cutting adult tooth begins to push it out from the bottom. Unfortunately, some children lose baby teeth too early. The tooth may be knocked out as a result of injury or removed because of a disease. If this occurs too early, your children's dentist may recommend a retainer that supports spatial balance in the mouth.

Why do Children Lose Baby Teeth?

Milk tooth usually stays in place until cutting adult tooth begins to push it out from the bottom. Unfortunately, some children lose baby teeth too early. The tooth may be knocked out as a result of injury or removed because of a disease. If this occurs too early, your children's dentist may recommend a retainer that supports spatial balance in the mouth.

When do the Milk Teeth Start to Fall Out?

The baby teeth are normally being replaced by permanent teeth when a child is 6 – 13 years.

What is the Spatial Balance?

what age do you lose all your baby teeth

Baby teeth are very important for the present and future health of your child. They form the basis for the normal development of the jaws, bones, and muscles. They retain space for molars and pave the way for the molars to grow. They determine in which position the molars will be placed in the mouth. Remember: molars grow only when the child reaches 12 – 14 years. While the milk teeth are in place, the spatial balance in the child's mouth is preserved.

How Can the Loss of a Baby Tooth Affect the Health of Molars?

If a tooth fell out (or was knocked out) too early, the teeth surrounding it can begin to move. They can lean forward or backward. The teeth on the other jaw can start to move up or down to fill the space. If the neighboring teeth occupy the space of a lost tooth, it will be difficult for the molar to correctly grow in its place. Therefore, the molars sometimes begin to grow crooked, bump each other, etc. If you are not paying attention to it, later you may long and expensive treatment by an orthodontist.

How to Prevent the Inappropriate Development of Dentition in a Child With Early Tooth Removal?

For this purpose, there are special devices – dental plates or fixed space maintainers. They retain the space where the teeth were removed and do not let the neighboring teeth to move and become distorted.

At What Age is it Advisable to Install the Space Retainers?

Don't worry about the removed tooth and do anything before the age of 4-5 years. Later on, you will need constant monitoring and maybe orthodontics preventive treatment with removable plates or non-removable space retainer.

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