Early Pregnancy Miscarriage

Early Pregnancy Miscarriage


How to Prevent Miscarriage in Early Pregnancy

Being pregnant is gorgeous. However, sometimes the body may decide to get rid of a new life, which results in miscarriage. In most cases, this happens in early pregnancy – within the first 12 weeks.

The statistics say that every fifth woman loses the baby being still unaware of her pregnancy. In gynecological terms, miscarriage is a spontaneous abortion before 22 weeks of pregnancy – nowadays doctors are able to save babies born prematurely after 22 weeks of gestation with weight over 500 g. If the baby’s weight is less than 500 g, the chances are reduced to zero.

Miscarriage in Early Pregnancy

As we have already mentioned, in most cases, the woman is unaware about her pregnancy, nothing bothers her. She is looking forward for her menses, registers that her period is late. Then after a few days, the menstruation begins, but the bleeding is stronger than usually as well as period-type cramps.

Sometimes miscarriage in early pregnancy is characterized only by moderate pain in the lower abdomen and profuse bleeding; the woman doesn’t even go to her doctor if the bleeding stops soon. If the profuse bleeding doesn’t stop for few days, you must see your doctor.

In some cases, such late menses can be very painful and one these days a blood clot will come out. If it happens, you are sure to have a spontaneous abortion in early pregnancy. Typically, this clot looks like a burst bubble filled with blood. The phenomenon always frightens those who face it for the first time. After the blood clot has come out, be sure to consult your doctor: first, to undergo the examination and determine what it was and second, to check up whether you need D&C.

Miscarriage is a phenomenon that causes suffering in both the body and the soul. Many people know that there is such a danger as spontaneous abortion, but only few understand its causes and ways of prevention.

If we talk about the miscarriage before 12 weeks, it is a test and a warning for the parents. Miscarriage at this stage suggests either that the mom's body is not yet ready for the normal gestation of the baby, or that both parents have some health problems that should be addressed to give birth to a healthy baby, while the body itself will continue to get rid from unhealthy fetuses.

Early Miscarriage: Causes

Early Pregnancy Miscarriage: Causes, Signs, and What to Expect

Genetic Disorders in a Fetus

In the first weeks of pregnancy special attention is paid to creating a healthy base for the development of all organs in the baby, which requires 23 chromosomes from both the mom and the dad. If one of them features a mutated element, it’s rejected as disabled and a miscarriage occurs.

The presence of such elements is affected by poor ecology, viruses and workplace hazards. It’s difficult to avoid these factors, the only thing you can do is to decrease the risks by going on a long holiday to live in the fresh air. In this case, miscarriage is an element of natural selection proper to living beings on the Earth.

Hormonal disorders It is known that hormones are responsible for the normal activity of the female body, thus, hormonal imbalance may result in a miscarriage in early pregnancy. Also lack of the progesterone hormone or excess of male hormones cause this phenomenon. If the woman is diagnosed with this problem before planning a pregnancy, she undergoes a hormonal therapy that allows preventing miscarriage.

Rhesus Conflict

When planning a pregnancy both future mother and father ought to make blood tests to define the blood group. If the mom has a negative rhesus factor, while the father is rhesus positive, the baby may be rejected by the mom’s body as something alien in case if he is also Rh positive.

If the father has a negative rhesus factor, this problem does not occur. If this pathology is diagnosed in a timely manner, the hormone progesterone is used to protect the embryo and eliminates the cause of early spontaneous abortion.


Infection is bad in any case. If you are aware of a sexually transmitted infection present in you or your partner make sure to get rid of it prior to getting pregnant. Having such a disease in pregnancy means infecting the fetal, which results in your body getting rid of the early embryo.

Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the internal organs. Any time a disease of the internal organs makes the body temperature rise up to 38 degrees, may cause an early pregnancy miscarriage. Typically, such a temperature is accompanied by a general intoxication of the organism, making it reject the embryo. That is why a full examination is extremely important in planning a pregnancy to detect and treat any chronic disease and get vaccinated if necessary.


As you know it means interfering with the normal life of the female body. Any abortion ever made may lead to either the recurrent spontaneous miscarriage or infertility.


The first trimester is the time to abstain from taking any medications, that can cause fetal defects. Some herbs are contra-indicated in early pregnancy, they are: parsley, nettle, cornflower, St. John's wort, tansy.

Ill humor In more detail, strong stress, grief, long-term mental stress can have a negative effect on the birth of a new life. In this case, you could take some sedatives strictly on doctor's advice.


Changing your habits right away is what you should do in planning a pregnancy. Getting rid of bad habits, balanced and nutritious food is the first condition to ensure the development of a healthy child, the opposite leads to a miscarriage.

Physical Impacts

Bad falls or lifting weights are the starting point towards a miscarriage. If the mother is healthy, the impact should be very strong to cause a miscarriage.

Miscarriage in Early Pregnancy: Symptoms

Lower abdominal pains and bleeding are the most common signs of a miscarriage. A pain in the underbelly can pass to the waist. Such pain occurs periodically. Vaginal discharge means the threat of an early miscarriage. In case of a reddish or even brownish discharge, you should consult your doctor to avoid a miscarriage.

For small discharges the chance of keeping the pregnancy is much higher than for abundant bleeding. A bleeding with segments of tissue, means that a miscarriage had occurred.

The uterus tone is often considered as a symptom to a miscarriage, but only if the mother feels pain and discomfort. If nothing negative occurs the doctors tend to advise reducing physical activity and avoiding stress.

In some cases, the above symptoms do not influence the pregnancy which is proceeding normally, under more careful medical supervision.

The miscarriage symptoms are relatively similar in any stage of pregnancy. Strong pain and discharge can occur as well.

Second trimester symptoms of a miscarriage:

  • damage of the amniotic sac is followed by the fluid leaking from vagina, in this case urgently seek medical assistance;
  • vaginal bleeding is a sign of a miscarriage in any trimester of the pregnancy;
  • blood clots when urinating followed by pain;
  • internal bleeding – the symptom is a strong pain in the shoulder or in the stomach.

How to Diagnose Threatened Miscarriage?

If your pregnancy is planned and you have made all the necessary procedures recommended by your doctor, passed all the tests and treated all the diseases, the threat of miscarriage is reduced to a minimum. If any contraindications are detected in advance, they are carefully examined already at the stage of conception. In this case, the diagnosis of threatened miscarriage takes place at the stage of planning, and the treatment is prescribed in advance.

If pregnancy occurs spontaneously, without any prior treatment and examination, a gynecologist can diagnose miscarriage during a routine check-up. Examining a woman having her period late, the doctor determines an estimate gestational age (GA)

Next, respectively to the estimated GA he:

  • checks whether the size of the uterus corresponds to the GA;
  • checks the tone of the uterus;
  • defines whether the cervix is closed;
  • identifies the nature of the discharge (bloody or mucous).

The most reliable way to diagnose miscarriage or preterm birth in late pregnancy is transvaginal ultrasound carried out by an experienced doctor. Using this method the doctor checks the length of the cervix and the condition of the internal os.

Treatment of Miscarriage in Early Pregnancy

Miscarriage: Signs, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

The first and the most important advice that your doctor can give you if there is a threat of miscarriage is to stick to bed rest. In some cases, to save the pregnancy, the woman is even prohibited from getting out of bed. If there is threatened miscarriage, you should reduce your physical activity to zero.

In this case women are also recommended to abstain from excitement, bad news and thoughts. Starting with the first weeks of existence the embryo feels you from inside, your excitement may affect its state. While violation of its state may make your body reject it. To avoid emotional stress, your doctor may prescribe you to take valerian or motherwort.

You can also recur to the relaxation therapy: make yourself comfortably in a couch or in the armchair and think of something good. The best option is to dream about your baby, choose the name and draw his portrait in your mind. But only after a consultation with your doctor.

If the threat of miscarriage is more serious and positive thoughts don’t help in this case, in the first place the doctor will determine the cause of miscarriage. When in the first weeks of pregnancy the cause of miscarriage is determined, the woman is assigned with hormonal drugs that should assure the normal development of her pregnancy.

You can be prescribed with either progesterone (utrogestan and duphaston contain this hormone) or drugs to fight hyperandrogenism (high content of male hormones), as well as medications to cope with the rhesus conflict.

If the doctor considers it necessary, he may make an additional intrauterine ultrasound. If ultrasound detects cervical incompetence, the cervix is stitched to prevent the ovum from leaving the uterus. This operation is carried out at hospital under anesthesia, at the same time relaxing medications are introduced into the uterus.

In most cases of threaten miscarriage in early pregnancy women are treated at hospital, sometimes they should remain under the medical supervision until the end of the pregnancy, in other words up to the birth. In some cases, treatment is started at hospital and continued at home upon condition that the women is restricted to bed rest. Sometimes, the woman who has undergone treatment for the threatened miscarriage in early pregnancy, doesn’t recur to it before the delivery.

Prevention of Miscarriage

In most cases, it’s possible to avoid miscarriage. If the couple has made a well-pondered and responsible decision, they will undergo an examination capable to detect all deviations and problems both in the man and in the woman. A preliminary examination allows to detect and treat all sorts of infectious and hormonal diseases that may cause miscarriage in the future.

Six months before the planned conception, the couple should change their habits and lifestyle. Healthy lifestyle helps to reduce the risk of miscarriage.

The flat refusal of abortions in a nulliparous woman will reduce the risk of spontaneous abortion in subsequent pregnancies.

Consequences of Miscarriage in Early Pregnancy

From a medical point of view, serious consequences of a spontaneous miscarriage in early pregnancy are very rare. Big problems can arise if the miscarriage was triggered by self-assigned medications or folk remedies, or, if fetal particles remained in the uterus that usually happens when miscarriage occurs in later pregnancy.

To avoid such problems, gynecologists prefer making D&C even after a miscarriage in early pregnancy. If a woman recurs to the medical assistance, she’s made a control ultrasound.

Many believe that one miscarriage is often followed by subsequent spontaneous miscarriages. It’s not true to reality. Subsequent miscarriages occur only if the cause of the first miscarriage wasn’t identified and treated.

You can avoid severe consequences of miscarriage in early pregnancy if you seek medical assistance in a timely manner. If you neglect this, a strong uterine bleeding may occur. It may lead to massive blood loss entailing a lethal outcome or blood poisoning that is extremely unpleasant and dangerous, too.

If you notice that something is wrong with your period (it is more profuse or painful), you’d better seek medical advice, as it may happen so that you are unaware of your pregnancy. The answer to the question “what should I do if I had miscarriage in early pregnancy” is to see your doctor or even call an ambulance if you feel very bad.

One Comment

  • Anaya says:

    If baby growth is stop n heart beat cardiac activity is not seen…after 5 days…..so?? Can any one help me

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