HPV And Pregnancy

HPV And Pregnancy


HPV During Pregnancy

Under this name hides a group of viruses, uniting more than 600 varieties (strains). Their peculiarity is that after infection the virus is embedded in the structure of human cells and can affect it. Besides “human papillomavirus” this infection is called HPV (human papilloma virus) or HPV infection. The main route of infection are sexual contacts, it is also possible to be infected by mother-to-child transmission (during birth), as well as in public places. This infection is fairly common, more than 60 % of adults are infected.

Papillomavirus Infection Symptoms

The main symptom of the presence of human papillomavirus in the body is the appearance of new growths. With decreasing immunity the virus activates, and under its influence the cells of the epidermis and the epithelium begin to actively divide. As a result a variety of tumors are formed on the skin and mucous membranes: papillomas, genital warts, papilloma virus warts.

The Danger of the Virus and Pregnancy

Why, even if you do not have any growths (no warts and papillomas), it is important to know about the presence of HPV in your body and treat it?

  • Occurrence of growths is a signal of reduced body defenses. This can signal some existing disorders, as well as an increased risk of development of new diseases.
  • Some of the strains of the human papillomavirus have oncogenicities. This means that their presence in the body increases the risk of malignant tumours. Many experts associate the presence of the virus and the development of cervical cancer and breast cancer.
  • Special danger the papillomavirus may represent for a pregnant women. During the childbearing women have reduced immunity, and the virus can actively encourage the development of papillomas. Their trauma, especially in the genital area, carries an additional risk of acquiring other infections. While the presence of growths inside the genitals can cause infection of the child during the birth process. If a woman planning pregnancy is diagnosed with HPV, it is recommended to take preventive measures and treatment in advance.

In addition, HPV is rarely found as a single infection, and often together with other sexually transmitted diseases. So when you have specific tumors, it is important to consult a doctor and take the necessary tests.

Diagnosis and Treatment

HPV And Pregnancy 1

Many people with this disease have no symptoms and it is virtually harmless to the body. The virus will be activated only in case of the weakened immunity. The incubation period of the disease can be up to several years, but the first signs of illness may occur in two weeks after the infection. In some cases, the virus does not require special treatment, only monitoring of the general health. It happens that the illness goes away on its own after a few months (new papillomas and warts do not appear, and the old ones dissipate). There are also cases of severe relapsing course of disease when the tumours occupy large areas on the human body and bring a lot of inconvenience to the patient.

To confirm the disease of papillomavirus consult your doctor: gynaecologist, urologist or venereologist. Checkup allows you to establish the presence of tumors, but their detection inside the genital organs require colposcopy (for women) and urethroscopy (for men). For accurate diagnosis and identification of the virus the study of tissues may be required: cytology, histology, the PCR method.

In the case of the development of the disease and the appearance of the tumours the doctor’s assistance will be required. Note that treatment should be supervised by a specialised professional, because it should include not only removal of single tumors, but also a complex of medical actions.

First of all, the treatment of papillomavirus includes conditioning treatment measures (with the aim of boosting immune protection). For this purpose, under the supervision of a physician, it is recommended to use special medicines, dietary supplements, as well as the traditional medicine. Taking antiviral drugs is also recommended in order to fight the disease.

The necessity and way to remove tumors that appear depends on each individual case. You may be offered one of the following methods in order to remove the tumours (papillomas, condylomas).

  • Laser removal;
  • Radio-frequency method;
  • Cryosurgery (application of extremely low temperatures);
  • Chemical removal (cauterisation);
  • Electric frequencies;
  • Traditional surgery using a scalpel or radio-knife.

The most effective treatment will be, if both sexual partners will undergo it at the same time (even if only one of them have manifestations of the disease).

During the treatment of papillomavirus it is recommended to refrain from sexual contact and after the treatment adhere to certain prevention measures:

  • enter into an intimate relationship with only one partner, preliminary having passed the examination of the venereologist;
  • use a condom as a protection;
  • regular visits a doctor and take tests.

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