7 Month Old Baby

7 Month Old Baby


Child Development, Your Baby at 7 Months

The child is 7 months old and you are no longer surprised to see that he can sit well, crawls and even tries to uprise. No wonder, because you have been waiting for this for so long! What can really impress is that one day among his babbling "ba-bba-ba", "ma-ma-ma", you will clearly hear the first conscious word.

This happens in different ways in different families, and you listen with anticipation to his babbling and peer at his intelligent and discerning eyes. In the meantime, the kid shows interest in everything else when you put him on the carpet, explores the surrounding space, together with you does «pat-a-cake», knocks by different objects, grabbing them in hands and nibbling. Yes, nibbles with first sharpened incisors, which he already has several.

Exploring everything, your child gets to the TV remote control, to your phone, with the same regularity throwing away all similar objects. Have you already closed all sockets, removed the piercing and breaking objects, dishes and small things? Hurry up to do it. And also protect the corners of furniture, doors and drawers. Give the baby his box, in which with him you will collect toys, patches, and various non-hazardous items. The kid will spend hours shifting his "wealth" from place to place, scatter and put together, watch, and observe with interest it fall.

What Should be Able to do Child at 7 Months

Your little one has gained in a month about 500 grams, and grown by 2 cm. The appearance of teeth in different kids is individual, but the vast majority to 7 months boasts of 4 incisors-two upper, two lower. The kid is actively interested in dining items, and it's time to teach him to eat with a spoon and drink from a cup.

What can the child do in 7 months:

  • understand the meaning of words and addresses to him;
  • cling to mom because of very strong emotional attachment;
  • fear being adandoned;
  • collect objects, put small into big;
  • crawl;
  • roll over in all directions, from his back to his belly and vice versa;
  • drink from a cup;
  • play role-playing games – "pat-a-cake".

The kid already knows quite a lot of items and actions, capable of returning to interrupted occupation, concentrate his attention on certain procedures. He successfully addresses the challenges facing him, simultaneously playing with multiple toys.

Child Care at 7 Months

In 7 months, in addition to the main procedures of washing, cleaning the nose and ears, rubbing the eyes and bathing appear the new ones. A toddler can sit confidently-you can start his acquaintance with the pottie, try to give it no more than 10 minutes. The diet changes and the stool becomes another, the most favorable time for the this is after a sleep. Do not insist, since a complete pottie training may take up to 18 months, and it is considered normal. Also massage, outdoor walks, developing games are needed.

Child Nutrition at 7 Months

7 month old baby schedule

Seven-month-old baby food is fundamentally different from the suckling's. Despite the fact that many children are still getting breastmilk, the diet already has a large number of products of "adult food", and their number is growing every day – porridge, vegetables, vegetable puree, meat, fruit and vegetable juices, vegetable oil and butter. Daily the baby eats around 1000 grams of food, if you divide this by the number of feedings (5), then at a time the kid will get 200 grams. You can accurately calculate the volume, taking into account the body weight.

However, experts advise giving the baby food on demand, if he is gaining weight well and feels fine. You can feed him more frequently, respectively, reducing the norms. If a kid gets more breast milk, first, third and last feeding must be breastfeeding and complementary foods are given at intervals. At 14-00, as lunchtime meal cottage cheese can be added. You should do so with mixed feeding, adding missing norm of milk with milk formula.

On an artificial feeding the feeding scheme from 6 am to 10 pm might look as follows:

  • feeding – formula, 200 g;
  • feeding – milk porridge, vegetable or fruit puree 50 g, portion of egg white (half a spoon);
  • feeding – meat and vegetable purees (50-150 grams);
  • feeding – milk formula, cottage cheese;
  • feeding – milk formula.

You can give your baby cookies and crackers, if there is no food allergies. In general, if there are strongly expressed allergic reactions, wait another couple of months with the introduction of intensive complementary foods. Buy products for feeding in children's kitchens, to avoid getting of stabilizers, E. coli, too much fat into the body of the baby. Feel free to consult with your doctor on any occasions. Accustoming the baby to meat, start with two tablespoons of broth, then slowly add meat puree from chicken or beef. The puree can be mixed with a vegetable one, straining through a sieve. Then try to introduce liver in the diet, also having boiled it and strained through a sieve. You can also try peas, cabbage, beets.

The Day Regime of the Child at 7 Months

Despite democratic child-rearing tips, none of the most progressive pediatricians downplays the importance of the regime of the day. Moreover – it is very important, especially for children who are easily excited. The regimen of the day should be observed with peculiarities and needs of the developing body and particularly of those family members that have been giving care most of the time. The baby gets used to sleep at the same time, to a sequence of activities, bathing, feedings, massage and walks, and it's very good. The first feeding is done early enough – at 6 am, but even earlier, when the child wakes up, hygienic procedures should be done – wash him after a night's sleep, rinse the eyes.

After feeding you can do gymnastics and massage, and talk to the baby. After the second feeding and sleep – walking outdoors. Then again feeding, period of wakefulness and sleep which can be combined with a walk. In the evening you can do gymnastics again, talk with your baby, and then bathing procedures, last feeding and nighttime sleep. Pay attention to the preparation for sleep, slow down the movements, speech, put quiet music. A systematic approach will greatly facilitate the care of the baby and the life of everyone at home.

Activities With a Child at 7 Months

Physical Training at 7 Months

  1. Hold the legs of the child and help him get up from lying on his back. Alternately pull him by each hand.
  2. Bend and unbend legs to the stomach.
  3. Help him to crawl, slightly pushing him.
  4. Help him also to uprise.
  5. Rock the baby left-right when he stands upright.
  6. Put him back to yourself and bend down-let him get up by himself.
  7. Lift him up by the hands. Train with him his hands.

Today's children are just showered with toys by numerous relatives, acquaintances, and parents themselves. Of course, this is very important, but it is better to choose toys, not all in a row, but only those which develop the speech and actions. In addition to exercise adults help develop the child intellectually. Do exercises with him according to the plan -talk, show, don't lisp, but talk like adults. Try to call the objects short – for example, kitty, bunny. Describe things, express emotions, talk about different topics.

This is the period when the kid can understand the words "can" and "cannot". It is desirable that there should be three times less prohibitions, but only those with regard to the safety of the little one. Educational toys will help develop logic, motor skills: press together the keys of the piano, collect the pyramids or plates, rings, play gesture games.

Useful Tips for Parents


For the little one, actively exploring the surroundings, you need to create a safe zone. Use the plugs for sockets, silicone attachments, fasteners for cabinets, glass stickers. Encourage the toddler to crawl, to sit less until his spine is strong enough.

Bathing the Baby

For bathing the babies you can use special mats that will help not to slip in the water and not to fall. In this case you may not worry, but still do not leave the child alone, even if there is very little water. Play games with him-splash the water, sail toy boats, pour water from one container to another, blow bubbles and beat the scum.

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