19 Weeks Pregnant

19 Weeks Pregnant


Next: 20 Weeks Pregnant

How much is 19 weeks pregnant in months? Women have their 19th week of pregnancy on fifth month or in the second trimester.

What to Expect at 19 Weeks Pregnant

The baby continues to grow: its head gets bigger and its body rapidly develops new cells that are responsible for musculoskeletal system. The baby also begins to make its first free movements, to move its legs and tiny fingers. Moreover, baby’s body proportions begin to take their natural forms.

In this period baby also starts responding to light, though its eyes are not developed yet and the eyelids are closed. The bronchioles start developing too – this is one of the stages of the respiratory system development. Later the fetal growth will slow down, but the baby’s body will begin to build up fat tissue, keeping the baby warm in its mother’s womb.

During this week, future mom is able to feel baby’s movements. They become more frequent and can cause discomfort. Future mother also gains weight and her hips become wider, which can cause discomfort too. Other people begin to notice how woman’s gait and posture change.

The baby’s weights about 200 grams on 19th week. It is very important for woman to rest enough and to avoid strenuous exercises. It is also recommended to talk to the baby, because it distinguishes mother’s voice already and reacts to it. Half of a pregnancy is already over. Let’s find out how the little baby living inside of you feels.

What Happens to the Baby

19 Weeks Pregnant 1What does baby look like at 19 weeks pregnant? You might have noticed that the baby’s movement this week become more active than before. Moreover, the baby begins to move intelligently, reacts to light, to mother’s voice and to other sounds. The baby’s brain and respiratory system continue to develop. The bronchus and the lungs are also formed during this period.

The baby’s body is covered with white and gray substance, because sebaceous glands work actively during this phase. They product a lubrication that protects the baby from harmful microorganisms and amniotic fluid.

The baby’s body is also covered by tine visible hair that sometimes remains there until childbirth. This shouldn’t scare parents: it’s completely normal and the hair will disappear later.

The baby’s head is strong enough now: that’s why it can turn the head in different directions. His size also increases and the weight reaches 250 grams approximately.


The active growth of the baby continues and so your uterus enlarges too. Its weight now reaches 320 grams approximately and you are able to feel it with your fingers during this week. Usually, the uterus position is situated one and a half centimeters below the navel. Woman can experience pain because of uterus enlargement. But do not worry: periodical pains in the abdominal area is completely normal.

Pain at 19 Weeks Pregnancy

We’ve already mentioned that the uterus enlarges when fetus grows. This leads to muscle stretching and can cause pain in the abdominal area (especially during sudden movements). It is also possible to have an unpleasant sensation in the navel area, because the pressure of the uterus on the belly increases. These sensations will disappear later.

The uterus is the main source of pressure on a belly, lower back and pelvis, but it isn’t the only thing in your body that grows and changes. Your pelvic bones slowly diverge too: that’s how the body prepares itself to delivering the child. Usually these processes are followed with painful and unpleasant sensations.

You can also experience back and leg pain. It usually happens after you spend a lot of time on your feet or sit a lot. Try to reduce the stress on legs and backbone. If you sit a lot, try to make short breaks every half an hour and to walk a little. Do not cross your legs while sitting. Also do not use backless chairs, because they increase stress on your backbone and can cause pain.


You have to pay particular attention to the sensations in the abdominal area. Though it is normal to experience some pain during this phase of pregnancy, you have to pay attention to this pain. If you are suffering from strong cramping pain and cramps in the abdomen area (often accompanied with bleeding), you have to contact your doctor immediately. Such symptoms can be the sign of potential miscarriage.

Your belly is noticeably bigger now and continues to grow. You can feel uncomfortable during the night, because you cannot sleep on your belly anymore (moreover, you shouldn’t!). It is also not recommended to sleep on your back, because you can overlap the access of oxygen to growing fetus. It is better to sleep on a side.

Movements at 19 Weeks of Pregnancy

Your body continues its active preparation to the upcoming childbirth and future breast-feeding. That’s why a small amount of colostrum can come out of your breasts during this period. Do not panic: it is completely normal. You should see the doctor only if your breasts hurt a lot or bleed.

During this period pregnant woman often feels the need to pee, because the uterus puts more pressure on a bladder. Stretch marks can also appear during this time. Of course, their appearance is absolutely normal, but you still have to follow your doctor’s recommendations in order to prevent them.

19 Weeks Pregnant Belly Pictures Showing

19 Weeks Pregnant 2

19 weeks pregnancy photos

Images: big bellies at 19 weeks 5 days pregnant.

Secretions and Discharge

During this period women often visit doctors and complain about secretions. It is good to take care of your health and to see the doctor if something goes wrong, but don’t panic because of the secretions: they are a sign that everything is okay and the baby grows normally. You shouldn’t worry if your secretions and colorless and have no smell. But if their color is different (green, yellow, dark, etc.) and their smell is unpleasant, contact the doctor immediately!

Miscarriage at 19 Weeks

Miscarriage is the termination of pregnancy, the case when the fetus is rejected by the organism of a mother. Miscarriage that happens at the 19th week is called a late spontaneous miscarriage.

Possible Reasons for Miscarriage

  • Genetic abnormalities of a fetus.
  • Hormonal disorder.
  • Infections (including the ones that are passed on from a person to a person during a sexual intercourse).
  • Reasons that have to do with immunology. For example, rhesus incompatibility.
  • Taking drugs or herbs.
  • Having abortions or miscarriages previously.

Symptoms of Miscarriage at 19 Weeks

There are the following symptoms of miscarriage: painful sensations in your belly (nagging pain, drawing pain as well as sharp or very strong painful sensations), pain in the small of the back, bloody discharge that may turn into a bleeding.

Treatment Miscarriage at 19 Weeks

If a future mother notices signs of either miscarriage or threat of miscarriage, she should immediately call ambulance. While waiting for the doctor to come, you need to lie down on a bed with your legs raised up. Calm down and don’t panic. If a doctor assumes that the case is severe and there is a threat to a mother and her baby, he/she may recommend a woman hospitalization.

19 Weeks Ultrasound Pictures

19 Weeks Pregnant 3

19 Weeks Pregnant Ultrasound Gender

19 Weeks Ultrasound Boy:

19 Week Ultrasound Boy

19 Weeks Ultrasound Girl:

19 Week Ultrasound Girl

19 Weeks Ultrasound Twins

19 weeks ultrasound twins pictures


Women often think it’s bad to have sex during this stage of pregnancy and they are wrong. Many specialists consider 19th week one of the calmest ones during all pregnancy. You are allowed to travel and rest, and you can have sex with your loved one. It won’t harm you if, of course, you don’t have any specific medical restrictions. But try not to overdo it and avoid very rough sex.

Silent Miscarriage

It is important to pay a lot of attention to your body and to the baby growing in your belly. Miscarriages (and silent miscarriages) often happen during this period, so if you feel that your baby moves too actively or if you notice any other complications, you have to contact your doctor immediately. If you don’t feel the baby moving at all, you have to contact the doctor too. There are cases of silent miscarriage: when the baby dies and woman keeps carrying it inside for a few weeks. This can lead to tragic situations.

Though silent miscarriages happen rarely on 19th week, you should consult the doctor even if you have slightest suspicions that something’s wrong. Only doctor is able to tell whether you have silent miscarriage or not: he will do so with the help of ultrasound. The doctor will tell if the size of uterus is right for this stage of pregnancy and will listen to baby’s heartbeat.

19 Weeks Pregnant: Watch at 19 Weeks of Your Pregnancy

Tests at 19 Weeks Pregnancy

You are staying under doctor’s supervision and taking various tests during whole pregnancy. It is time to test your blood sugar and hemoglobin levels on 19th week and to check level of protein in the urine.

Sometimes (usually when there’s a risk of pregnancy disruption) the doctor assigns a number of hormonal tests including progesterone. Progesterone level helps to define the possibility of potential miscarriage.

The doctor can also ask you to take a screening test this week. This test helps to define the existence or absence of a certain chromosomal abnormalities of the baby (like Down syndrome, Edwards’s syndrome or neural tube defect).

The second screening test includes not only biochemical blood analysis but also ultrasound. The doctor examines baby’s nasal bone and the thickness of neck area. The doctor also checks the baby’s internal organs to find possible pathologies and examines its overall condition. At the same time the doctor examines uterine myometrium and the size of the uterus, its overall condition. And, of course, after ultrasound you are able to find out the gender of your baby: it’s easily defined on this stage or pregnancy.


Baby’s health and prenatal development in many ways depend on mother’s proper nutrition. That’s why it is so important to stick to the correct diet during pregnancy. First, you have to exclude fat-rich, fried and spicy food. Avoid artificial products (containing various dyes, flavorings, etc.). Add boiled low-fat beef and beans to your nutrition (though you should avoid beans if you have flatulence problems). Replace fried foods to boiled ones.

It is very good to eat iron and calcium rich products: dried apricots, blueberries, figs, persimmons, buckwheat, oatmeal, rabbit and beef. Fresh fruits and vegetables will help you to enrich the body with vitamins and other nutrients. Try to organize your nutrition without overloading the stomach. It is better to eat more often in small portions than rarely but a lot.

Your Weight at 19 Weeks Pregnancy

It is important for future mom to monitor her weight. The doctors recommend doing this every week at the same time and in the same clothes if possible. Usually woman gains 250-300 grams a week starting from the second trimester and 3.6-6.3 kg starting from the beginning of the pregnancy. But these numbers cannot be considered a certain criteria: the weight gaining process is very individual and depends on woman’s body constitution and on her weight before pregnancy. Woman’s health status also matters a lot. Only the doctor who monitors you constantly during you pregnancy can tell whether your weight gain is normal or not.

Video Guide: 19 weeks pregnancy

Twin Pregnancy at 19 Weeks

On 19th week of pregnancy baby’s height reaches the half of their height during birth (25 cm approximately). Their weight reaches 300 grams (10 % part of the weight the baby will gain before its birth). After this period, the baby’s growth intensifies. The baby’s internal organs are fully developed and already working at that time: the lungs and the central neural system are the most intensively developing ones.

Twin Pregnancy at 19 Weeks

When twins are born, they are skinny, their skin is red and thin, covered with villi and grease. They gain weight when their muscles and organs are developing and the fat will be gained later. Though the babies’ eyes are closed, they are already able to define light from darkness. The skin is very sensitive, their fingers have individual fingerprints and the villi slowly disappear after they remain only on babies’ back and shoulders. Their first head hair begins to grow and then their eyebrows and lashes appear.

The twins feel each other’s presence starting from their mother’s womb and to the end of their lives. If pregnancy is monoamniotic, the babies are able to touch each other – and they do so, feeling themselves and their neighbors. And if the pregnancy is diamniotic, the twins are separated with fetal membranes (though that doesn’t stop them from feeling each other’s movements and interacting in the womb).

The affection between twins remains after birth, so it’s better to put them in one bed for the first few months: they’ll be quieter this way. It’s interesting that the twins’ biorhythms are synchronized in mother’s womb: they sleep and move together. These biorhythms can differ from their mother’s ones, though.


  • Gabriella says:

    I have twins and they are kicking from 17th week)) Girls, it is something, especially in the evening before going to bed, such movement begins inside. I am so happy. I wish all of you pleasant and easy pregnancy.

  • Emma says:

    Girls, I’m on the 19th week already but I do not feel any movements, at all. ( I’m scared.

  • Anna says:

    How do I know if am gonna have twins

  • Bertha says:

    Hi mothers am 19wks with twin girls and l haven’t started feeling any kicks yet but l only feel them move when am seated in a wrong position

  • Saranya says:

    Hi mothers am in 19th week. Feeling excited to share my baby inside moving and kicking. Pleasant feeling

  • Julie-Anne says:

    19 weeks pregnant with a boy and a girl and it’s amazing feeling them both move around. Can’t wait to meet these 2 .

  • Emma says:

    Where is my baby located at 19 weeks pregnant?

  • Jade says:

    I’m 18 +6 with twins don’t know what I am having yet very exciting and nervous at the same time I can feel little movement but nothing big yet really exciting and can’t wait ????

  • Merlyn says:

    Hi Moms – I’m 18+ weeks – Twin GIRLS!!! Very excited. I feel the babies movement very strongly but these are my 3rd & 4th children! I have two boys already so I’m very thrilled to welcome my Girls into the family! I can’t wait to meet them!!

  • Cristina says:

    I’m 19 weeks pregnant with identical girls and do they like to move…extremely excited

  • polly says:

    Hi mommis_19 weeks but am scared to know the gender and vry excited cause my child is moving alot.

  • Hope says:

    Hi moms I’m 19 weeks preggo with baby #2 and am so excited. My lil one started kicking at 16 weeks. Cnt wait to welcome my angel to the family.????

  • Nan says:

    I know that this is an old one but I just wanted to say my sister had twin girls and they faced each other and she barely ever felt them move and she has 7 girls and the twins where in the middle so sometimes you just don’t feel them much because of how there position is.

  • Dacia says:

    Am 19 weeks an this child seems too strong only feeling my tummy stiff am to do another ultrasound at 21 weeks being my stomach is too large from conceive,do one at 4 months an it say one but both doctor an ultrasound test saying arteries are too large so am just waiting patiently to do the other ultrasound soon

  • Thelma says:

    Hi moms. I’m 18 and a half weeks pregnant and expecting twins. I feel movements here and there. I was told that the babies are in one placenta and 2 different sacs. What does that mean? I don’t know their sex yet.Thank you!

  • Nana says:

    Hi Bertha, my daughter is also 19 weeks and expecting twin boys.. she also says she does not feel them much, the doctor said it’s probably because of the placentas are in front..

  • Shil says:

    I am 19 weeks with twins .. feel MA baby move here n der

  • Johannah says:

    I don’t know how to express my feelings I’m actually very said I was told that I’m having twins at 7weeks the Dr could here both heart beat and can see 2sacs but now with my 17weeks check up this Dr told me that she can see only 1baby is it possible can someone please hip me

  • Marks - Mamelodi ( Pretoria - South Africa) says:

    Good Morning,My wife is also pregnant with Twins, we are now 18w5d ans we went for our ultrasound last week. The doctor is so confident that they are boys, is it true? Can the ultrasound be accurate?

  • Rachael says:

    Thanks for the information

  • Ekari kemiton (Malawi) says:

    Cant wait for my first scan soon…… am 19 weeks old and am showing already big n babyy moves are so exciting..happens mostly when am hungry,take cold water or am on a bad side seat …?

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