Pregnancy Weight Gain

Pregnancy Weight Gain


Pregnancy Weight Gain Chart

Pregnancy is the period in woman's life when each gained pound is taken with gladness. In the first trimester a woman’s weight changes slightly, but with the fetus development it starts growing rapidly. It is important during this period, not to “go beyond all bounds” and pile on the weight that may complicate the pregnancy process and the childbirth.

Proper Weighing

Weighing is an obligate procedure of a pregnant woman. The most accurate results can be obtained by weighing every morning before breakfast. It is preferable to wear the same clothes during each weighing to get the proper rates. The indexes should be charted. In addition, once a month (twice a month after 28 weeks) a woman is weighed in at the prenatal clinic before visiting the doctor.

Average Weight Gain During Pregnancy

During singleton pregnancy a woman may gain 9-14 kg (19.8-30.9 pounds), during twin pregnancy 16-21 kg (35.2-46.3 pounds), in average, and the rates may vary.

In the first trimester, the weight may change slowly: a woman may gain less than 2 kg (4.4 pounds). Beginning from the second trimester the weight starts increasing rapidly: 1 kg (2.2 pounds) per month (or up to 300 g (10.6 ounces) per week); after seven months – up to 400 g (14.1 ounces) per week (about 50 g (1.8 ounces) per day). Bad signs may be no weight gain or its rapid rising.

These rates are approximate, as some women may gain weight at the beginning of pregnancy, and others, right before the childbirth.

Average Pregnancy Weight Gain Distribution

The greater amount of the gained pounds is attributed to the baby weight, which is, on average, 3-4 kg (6.6-8.8 pounds). The equal weight amount is assigned to maternal fat stores. The uterus and the amniotic fluid weigh about 2 kg (4.4 pounds), the blood volume increases up to 1.5-1.7 kg (3.3-3.8 pounds). The placenta and lacteal glands weigh about 0.5 kg (1.1 pound) each. The extra fluid in organism may weigh about 1.5-2.8 kg (3.3-2.8 pounds).

According to the calculations, a future mother may gain to 14 kg (30.8 pounds), and not worry about being overweight.

Weight Increase Factors

Pregnancy Weight Gain 1

Some factors affecting weight gain during pregnancy:

Initial Weight Of A Woman

An interesting fact is that thin women gain weight more rapidly than overweight ones. However, the heavier a woman is initially, the faster she may grow during gestation.

Inclination To Corpulence

Even keeping to a strict diet and staying in good physical shape before pregnancy, a woman may naturally gain a few extra pounds during gestation.


It is likely that a taller woman may gain more weight during pregnancy.

A Big Fetus

It is a natural indicator. A woman carrying a big fetus gains weight more than average.

The weight gain depends on the size of the fetus; it may also be checked by measuring the woman’s belly.

Gestational Edema

The edema during gestation indicates the accumulation of a great amount of liquid, which may increase the weight as well.

Gestational Toxicosis Of The First And The Third Trimesters Of Pregnancy

Nausea and vomiting that often accompany this state may lead to weight loss.

Appetite Rising

The reason for this factor is the increase in estrogen levels. A pregnant woman should control this factor; otherwise she may gain extra pounds.


The increase of the amniotic fluid volume affects the number of pounds.


A middle aged woman is more prone to the weight gain.

Weight Gain and Pregnancy

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