Homemade Pregnancy Test

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How to Make a Homemade Pregnancy Test

Despite the fact that today there is a great variety of pregnancy tests, the folk methods, which have proven their effectiveness over time, still remain popular.


One of the oldest, but most effective methods is the determination of pregnancy using iodine. At present, this method wins its popularity among the modern young girls and women, who intend to learn the good news as soon as possible.

So, for taking this common test, it is necessary to fill a small container with urine and then add one drop of iodine. In case of complete iodine dissolution, the test result is negative. However, if the iodine remains on the surface, the addition of family may be expected.

Baking Soda

Another popular homemade pregnancy test, which is no less effective, is carried out using common baking soda. For making this test, it is required to fill a small container with urine, add one teaspoon of baking soda, and check the occurring reaction. In case the soda starts to splutter, the test result is negative, but if the soda settles out, it means the woman is pregnant.


When choosing this popular folk method for pregnancy determination, it is necessary to check the navel pulsation. For this test, it is required to place the hand slightly below the navel (about four fingers below) and listen carefully to the personal feelings. If a woman feels the pulsation, most likely she is pregnant.

Definition of Pregnancy Without a Doctor

Almost all specialists in the field of obstetrics and family planning treat the domestic pregnancy determination methods with skepticism.

They may agree to the possibility of identifying gestation by homemade tests, but there are factors which should be taken into consideration:

  • Basal body temperature (BBT) changes. It is necessary to measure BBT regularly and chart the information about changes, which may verify the conception;
  • Suppositional pregnancy signs definition.

BBT as a Pregnancy Determination Method

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Specialists consider this method of pregnancy definition appropriate only for completely healthy women.

Only women with regular and stable menstrual cycle and absence of chronic diseases in organs and systems can verify pregnancy in early stages by BBT measurement. Otherwise, the diagnostic may be incorrect and the gestation determination in the early stages may not become possible.

Regular BBT Measurement

It is important, for the future pregnancy determination, to know how to measure BBT properly. The result depends on the accuracy of the process.

It is recommended to apply the method of BBT measurement for three or four months. Therefore, this method is good for women who are not able conceive for a long time.

Before gestation, it is obligatory to measure BBT every day and preferably at the same time. This procedure should be carried out before getting out of bed and going to the restroom. The temperature is measured in the rectum, and the results are charted.

A woman with normal endocrine profile, and complete absence of diseases, may have the temperature level in the rectum achieving its maximum in a few hours before ovulation. The ovulation is the most possible period for getting pregnant.

In case of pregnancy occurrence, there will be no extreme decline of BBT. Therefore, it remains approximately of the same high level as before ovulation.

Failing egg fertilization and pregnancy occurrence, the BBT level gradually falls to normal value and remains at this rate until the next menstruation period.

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