Constipation In Infants

Constipation In Infants


What To Do In Case Of Constipation In Newborns

Constipation is the most common problem for children of up to one year old. This is due to the underdevelopment of the digestive system, which is still unable to work harmoniously. Your child feels anxiety in stomach, cries. The digestive process is accompanied by abdominal distention, pain, complicated bowel movements.

Of course, parents begin to look for the root of the problem and worry. This is not necessary, because only after a full study on the causes and symptoms you can see is it worth worrying or not.

How To Understand That A Infants Has Constipation. Signs And Symptoms

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For the newborn kid the norm number of bowel movements is 2 times a day. Closer to the 1 year old frequency of bowel movements is reduced by half. Constipation can be suspected, if there were no emptying during two days. Underdeveloped digestive system of the baby do not always cope with food and may not display the remains of unprocessed food, as well as toxic substances. If there is a stool retention, then the body cannot cope with the task itself, and needs help. But this does not mean that the child had serious health problems. Occasional constipation is common among children of up to one year old. You only need to keep up to a special diet and the defecation will become normal again.

Stool retention for one or two days is not a reason for worrying, especially if this occurs for the first time. The ideal defecation should happen as regularly as feeding. If the retention lasts for more than 12 hours or a child is experiencing discomfort when defecating, it should be considered constipation and its causes should be determined, You should also help the baby to normalize the digestive activity.

What Can Cause Constipation In A Babies

The are many factors that might cause constipation in a babies.

The list of the most common factors contributing to the disorder of the digestive system:

  1. A jump from breastfeeding to the normal food. If this problem occurs, you should consult with a specialist on the subject of the use of special fermented mixtures, which will improve the intestinal motility and help the absorption of food, that the stomack has been unfamiliar with until recently. For children 4-6 months it is recommended to include juices and oatmeal broth of oatmeal in the diet.
  2. The second reason may be too poor nutrition. A child who receives food only in the form of mom’s milk or formula, does not get enough fiber that is responsible for formation of faecal masses. In this case, you must add fruits and vegetables to the diet.
  3. During teething, or infectious diseases, there is also a complication of bowel movements. The problem here is not so fast to resolve.
  4. Weather conditions also affect baby’s stomach. You should help your baby to avoid heat and also control the amount of food that the baby gets. It can affect not only on the digestive system, but also the weight.
    sedentary lifestyle of the kid, monotonous food, bad sleep and rest, improper diet are also common problem in infants.
  5. Less common, but also frequent reasons – microflora disorder in the child associated with poor health of his mother, as well as the lack of certain substances (lactose, vitamins). In this case it is necessary to contact a doctor for advice.

How To Treat Constipation In Children

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The constipation is better treated together under doctor’s supervision. Yes, the problem is not serious, and it is not that difficult to get rid of it, but approaches to children’s body are slightly different. An adult can seriously harm a newborn, applying the dangerous treatments. For example, the use of laxatives to treat constipation in babies is extremely dangerous. In fact, a child, together with intestinal waste will lose protein and potassium, and his digestive system will be irreparably harmed.

Many medicines that adults successfully use are highly contraindicated for children. Therefore, no tablets, capsules, suppositories and even herbs should be given to babies before a consultation with a pediatrician. Only a specialist can help to detect the true cause of constipation and appoint the right treatment.

Additional Measures During The Treatment

However, parents can help their child by themselves. For example, it is good to give a child an abdominal massage, as well as to encouraging him to greater mobility. Massage is recommended after eating. Stroke the child with your hand on his stomach in circular motions clockwise. It calms the child, eliminates painful sensations and normalizes digestion.

Another measure, especially if constipation in infants is accompanied by flatulence and pain, is dill water. It is prepared from fennel, which can be purchased at a pharmacy in dry form, in sachets or ready dill water.

Despite the apparent harmlessness of constipation, it needs to be treated anyway. After all, pathological process can lead to dis-bacteriosis, diathesis and other more serious consequences. But the treatment should be administered responsibly, understanding, that a child is a completely different organism, other than a small adult.

Video: Remedy for Constipation in Newborns

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