Eczema During Pregnancy

Eczema During Pregnancy


Eczema in Pregnancy

During pregnancy, many women begin to suffer from various diseases because their immune system weakens. Some chronic diseases make themselves felt, and sometimes there are also such as eczema in pregnancy. Treatment of this unpleasant disease is quite difficult, because during pregnancy a woman's body is very weak, besides expectant mothers are contraindicated receiving potent medicines. In this regard, eczema can start to progress and affect even the face and breast. If you have any signs of illness you should immediately seek medical advice.

The Main Causes of Eczema in Pregnancy

Most often eczema occurs in the earliest period of pregnancy. The first 12 weeks a woman's health is most vulnerable, because the whole system of organs in this period of time is running at full capacity. The fetus is actively formed and in dire need of a complete protection. All the forces of the mother's body are now aimed at preserving the embryo viability and health of the pregnant woman herself may fail.

The immune system acquires unprecedented activity against different antigens. Biologically active substances are produced continuously to maximally protect the body of the pregnant from the effects of various stimuli. But antigens can attack not only "the enemy", but also the body's own cells. Such processes cause the emergence of various inflammations.

Eczema in pregnancy can manifest itself in the form of small bubbles on the surface of the skin, it can be accompanied by severe itching, unpleasant burning sensation, redness. Factors provoking the emergence of this disease include constant stress, which somehow the pregnant feels. Also, an exacerbation of certain chronic diseases can serve as the background.

The list of the root causes of eczema include inflammation in the oral cavity, otitis, sinusitis and similar diseases, which can be literally a breeding ground for pathogens that provoke an immune response. To eliminate these problems, the gynecologist usually recommends for the pregnant to undergo a medical examination at physicians, such as a dentist, otolaryngologist and others.

How Eczema Can Affect the Overall Development of the Fetus?

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In fact, eczema, as such, is not dangerous for life and health of the baby, because it does not penetrate the placenta, but it can give a lot of trouble to the mother. Permanent discomfort, burning and itching can unbalance even the most resistant nervous system. The pregnant becomes irritable, her mood considerably worsens.

The stress of the mother, of course, has a negative impact on the fetus, so you need in time to see a doctor. Even if symptoms seem insignificant, you shouldn't leave the disease untreated. The specialist will choose medications to help the mother cope with the problem and not to harm the baby.

What if a Pregnant Woman is Identified With Eczema?

If the presence of the disease was confirmed, it does not mean that we should lose heart. Referring to a good dermatologist, a woman gets an adequate and appropriate treatment. The specialist will prescribe all the necessary medications and a course of treatment. Much depends on the pregnant herself.

Reduce the symptoms of eczema and its unpleasant symptoms, as well as speed up the healing process will help compliance with these simple rules:

  1. Wearing only natural underwear and clothing, which is in direct contact with the body. Clothing should be comfortable.
  2. Frequent walks in the fresh air and timely room ventilation.
  3. Regular humid home cleaning, wiping the dust daily.
  4. Minimize contact with pets, if any.
  5. The use of detergents on a natural basis, hypoallergenic.
  6. Washing dishes, cleaning the house in rubber gloves.
  7. Exclusion from the diet of the products that can cause an allergic reaction.
  8. Coping with stress, regular rest, restful sleep.
  9. Maximum protection of the skin from UV rays.
  10. Strict adherence to the doctor's instructions and prescriptions.

Treatment for Eczema During Pregnancy

Since during pregnancy and breastfeeding it is not possible to apply the full medical treatment for eczema, the dermatologist usually prescribes symptomatic local treatment of irritation and observance of clear conditions enabling to minimize exposure to allergens in the body. In such a situation application of various ointments and gels containing panthenol and vegetable oils, which are a more gentle and safe treatment option, is possible. In more neglected cases the use of zinc dispersion is assigned, which must be applied for three hours and then thoroughly rinsed with water. The procedure is usually carried out four times a day.

If the eczema appeared in the last stages of pregnancy, which is very common, the specialist can prescribe medicines already having in its composition of calcium gluconate. Also the ointments which reduce inflammation and irritation can be assigned. Consulting your dermatologist should be carried out with a clear coordination of all issues of treatment of pregnancy with the supervising gynecologist. A future mother who diligently complied with all requirements of doctors, can get rid of eczema forever in a few months without any consequences for herself and her baby.

If the woman reacted with disdain to the recommendations of experts, there may be unpleasant consequences even after pregnancy. For example, eczema can occur in infants whose mother is simply able to infect them while breastfeeding. It can be concluded that in no case one should neglect the disease. It is necessary to strictly follow all the rules of treatment of eczema in pregnancy, developed for a particular patient by medical professionals.

Video: Handling Eczema During Pregnancy

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