Self-tanners In Pregnancy

Self-tanners In Pregnancy


Self Tanner During Pregnancy

As all women, pregnant women want to be attractive. However, not all cosmetic products can be used during pregnancy. Most pregnant women consult their doctors about health and the proper use of beauty products as well. A commonly asked question is about the use of self-tanners during pregnancy. What do we need to know about self-tanners?

Can Pregnant Women Use Self-tanning Products

Pregnancy is a very important period in a woman’s life. The first trimester is considered to be the most sensitive period. A baby’s life and health entirely depend on his mother’s actions. When you are pregnant, be careful not to cause harm to your baby. If you are going to use self-tanners during pregnancy, choose only quality products. Make sure that the product does not contain any components that may cause an allergic reaction. It is advisable to use tanning creams and lotions instead of sprays. Anyway, consult your doctor about the influence of self-tanning products on the growing fetus. However, the majority of doctors do not recommend using self-tanners during pregnancy.

Non-pregnant women are advised to use self-tanning products only one time per month. You should be more careful with a self-tanner when you are pregnant. The effect that it may produce on health and appearance during pregnancy may be unpredictable. Sometimes, instead of a tan, you can get spots on the skin, which are difficult to remove. Most people agree that white skin does not look so bad.

Self-tanning Products for Pregnant Women

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What self-tanning products are better? Cosmetologists do not recommend using spray tans. Self-tanning lotions are considered to be safer in use, as there is no risk of damaging eyes or inhaling harmful substances while spraying.

Pregnant women should avoid:

  1. Tanning pills. They contain high levels of dyes. The use of tanning pills by a pregnant woman may cause bad consequences to her baby.
  2. Tanning injections and melatonin injections. The effect of melatonin has not been proving. It is considered unsafe to use melatonin during pregnancy. Therefore, do not risk your own health and the health of your child.

How to Apply Self-tanners Safely During Pregnancy

If you still want to use a self-tanner when pregnant, please, do it carefully, taking into consideration the following recommendations:

  1. Do not use spray-tans. While using spray-tans, you inhale the hazardous substances, which may cause harm to your baby’s health. Use eye protection and hold your breath during the procedure. Use Vaseline for protecting the lips.
  2. Consult your doctor about the effect of self-tanning.
  3. Use high quality and certified products.
  4. Make a test on a small skin area for allergic reaction.
  5. Do not use tanning pills. They may cause significant damage to the child’s central nervous system.
  6. Tanning lotions may dry the skin. Note, that the skin becomes more sensitive during pregnancy. Choose tan lotions that contain a moisturizer.
  7. Choose low-concentrated self-tanners.
  8. Do not use self-tanning products more often than once a month.

Try to avoid using self-tanners during pregnancy. It is important to be healthy and to have healthy skin. Nothing can compare to the happiness of being a mother and having a healthy baby. The effect of tanning may last only for a few days. Think carefully about all the possible risks for the baby and make the right decision. Be healthy and raise healthy children. Children are our future!

Is Tanning Safe in Pregnancy?

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