Vitamin A In Pregnancy

Vitamin A In Pregnancy


Vitamin A and Pregnancy

The vitamin A (also known as retinol) is contained in different products of animal origin. For example, in the beef liver, kidney, butter, milk, margarine, sour cream, curds, cheeses, eggs, fish oil. It is also contained in products of plant origin: in carrots, apricots, sweet pepper, pumpkins, broccoli, soy, pea, apples, peaches, watermelons, melons, rose hips, sea- buckthorn, sweet cherries. Even Seaweed is rich in it. One can find the vitamin A in pot herbs and greens: in bearberry, parsley, plantain, spinach, green onion and mint.

Role of the Vitamin A for Health of a Pregnant Woman

The role of the vitamin A is great. It is directly involved in oxidative and recovery reactions, in the metabolism process, it improves the work of cell envelopes, it participates in strengthening of bones and teeth, it delays aging processes of cells and is necessary for their correct growth.

In addition, the carotene increases the visual acuity, it participates in synthesis of melanin, increases activity of the immune response of an organism while struggle against infectious agents, it impedes the onset of infectious diseases of airways and alimentary tract. Small children, who have necessary amount of carotene in their blood, are exposed much more rarely to such diseases as measles, varicella and rubella.

In addition, the vitamin A provides timely and full-fledged regeneration of the mucosae and skin, beneficially affects the functioning of lungs, as well as it is effective against the onset of an ulcer disease and gastritis.

The intake of the due amount of this vitamin during pregnancy contributes to the normal development of an intrauterine fetus. The risk of the birth of a child with mass deficiency reduces to minimum.

How Much Vitamin A Does a Pregnant Woman Need?

Vitamin A In Pregnancy 1

During the first two trimesters, the future mother needs to take not less than 600-1000 ME of the vitamin A. During the last trimester of pregnancy, the daily dose of retinol must be increased to 2000-2500 ME.

One must note, during a long stay in sun, as well as at high ambient temperature, the need in retinol sharply increases. Therefore, in summer, doctors prescribe its maximum dosage for women in a delicate situation.

How to Reveal a Shortage of the Vitamin A

One can easily suspect the vitamin A deficiency in an organism by the following clinical signs:

  • strengthened non-resistance of tooth enamel;
  • eye watering in cold;
  • premature formation of wrinkles;
  • decrement in visual acuity at nighttime;
  • hyperesthesia;
  • dryness of the eye mucosa;
  • problems from the sides of a digestive system (gastritis, colitis, frequent intestinal infections, dysfunction of a pancreas, dysbiosis);
  • problems from the side of a genital system (erosion of the uterine cervix, endocervicitis, vaginitis, frequent candidiasis);
  • infections of airways (genyantritis, sinusitis, pneumonia, bronchitis, frequent U.R.I.);
  • reduction of the overall resistance of an organism to infectious diseases;
  • sleep disruption.

If you noticed anything from the above presented list, you should definitely visit a doctor. Let him correct your day norm of retinol.

What is the Excess of the Vitamin A Dangerous With?

The intake of the vitamin A in too big quantity can lead to its excess in an organism, which is exhibited by the following symptoms:

  • stomachaches;
  • increase of the liver and the spleen in size;
  • hair loss;
  • exfoliation and itch of the skin;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • pains in joints;
  • chaps on lips.

The overdose of the vitamin A is particularly dangerous during pregnancy, because it can provoke a pathology on the part of fetal development. In big doses, retinol is toxic to a developing embryo. Bear this in mind and always take the vitamin A in the amount prescribed by the doctor!

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