Sex During Early Pregnancy

Sex During Early Pregnancy


Sex and Drive During Early Pregnancy

In the period of pregnancy, parents-to-be may have a lot of questions especially if they expect a firstborn. They try to know more about a woman’s state during pregnancy and the preparations for childbirth. Most of expectant fathers realize that their life has changed and will not be the same again. In this period, every man, at least for a moment, starts wondering, “What about sex?” Actually, it is not all that bad.

Peculiarities of Sex During Early Pregnancy

In all conscious, intimate relationships are essential for every couple. However, the fact of pregnancy is of greater importance now. The first trimester of pregnancy is a difficult period for a woman from physiological and psychological sides. This period can be hard for an expectant father as well. In this article, we would like to talk about sexual relationships in early stages of pregnancy. In fact, only a few couples can tell that they have full and regular sex in this period.

Reasons for Avoiding Sex During Pregnancy

WOMAN. A woman in early stages may be stressed first of all by the fact that she is pregnant. Within the entire period of pregnancy, a woman’s body changes and prepares for giving a birth to a child. In the mornings or during the whole day a woman may feel nausea, headache, fatigue, and drowsiness. She may continue working and the colleagues may still be unsuspicious about her state. Although, in the first trimester, a woman may have slight changes in appearance, she can feel great reformations in her organism.

The thoughts of a pregnant woman are directed towards her new status of a mother and the future appearance of a new member of the family. In this period, an expectant mother is afraid to cause any harm to the baby by her actions. This may be a strong reason for avoiding sex during pregnancy. Therefore, this period is characterized by decrease of sexual activity of women. Depending on the state of a woman, the doctor may advise to avoid sexual contacts in this period or to make some changes.

MAN. Do not forget that some dads-to-be are psychologically ready for pregnancy, while others may be caught unawares by this fact and feel embarrassed. Sexual relations may differ from what they have been before pregnancy of the partner. In some cases, a man may refuse from having sex for the reason of being afraid to make a woman feel uncomfortable during intercourse and harm the baby. In addition, a man realizes that soon there will appear a third person in their family. This fact may be confusing and even distressful for an expectant father.

Is it Safe to Have Sex in Early Pregnancy?

Painful Sex During Early Pregnancy

Specialists consider that sex in early stages of pregnancy is allowed if there is no threat of miscarriage. Of course, much depends on the state of a woman during this period. If a woman feels comfortable, there is no reason to deprive herself and the partner of sexual contacts.

We will not take into consideration the recommendations, which were given by specialists 30 years ago, as times had changed. At the present day, doctors agree to the opinion of psychologists confirming that pregnancy is not the reason for refusing from sex. It is proven that the hormones of happiness – endorphins, which are released in a woman’s blood during intercourse, produce a positive effect on the baby. A woman’s orgasm is a perfect training for intimate muscles that can be helpful during labor. Moreover, the expectant parents can be sure that it is impossible to hurt the baby during intercourse.

In the early stages of pregnancy, a fetus is very small and there is no way to come into contact with it during intercourse. In late pregnancy period, a baby is protected by amniotic fluid, placenta and uterine walls. The cervix is clogged with the mucous plug. Thus, we can make a conclusion that sex in the early stages of pregnancy is allowed if there is no threat of interruption of pregnancy.

Moreover, sex can be even useful for a pregnant woman and gives a number of advantages:

  • Due to the increased blood supply to pelvic organs during intercourse, a woman can achieve orgasm faster;
  • A belly of a woman on the early stages of pregnancy is still small in size that allows choosing various positions;
  • No fear of getting pregnant;
  • Sex during pregnancy is a good workout for the uterus muscles that can be helpful in labor;
  • Sperm, which contains protein, is a perfect building material for the fetus on 13-14 weeks.

However, there are circumstances when sex is not recommended in early stages. Sometimes the restriction may be prolonged for the postpartum period.

Sex during pregnancy is forbidden in cases, when:

  • There is a threat of miscarriage;
  • A woman has low placenta praevia, or there is a risk of placenta abruption;
  • A woman has vaginal bleeding or discharge different from normal;
  • A woman has had miscarriages in her history;
  • A woman is diagnosed with venereal diseases;
  • A woman has a multiple pregnancy.

In some cases of multiple pregnancy, the doctor may give permission for sexual activity after close examination and the lack of complications. If your doctor has prohibited sexual relations during the pregnancy, try not to let this fact become the reason for worrying. The most important things now are the positive attitude and good emotions. There are thousands of ways of getting pleasures. Affection, kisses and spending time together with your partner can bring positive emotions and make you happy!


  • It is not recommended to have sex in the days of supposed menstruation.
  • Do not forget to use condoms to protect yourself and the baby from the risk of infection penetration.
  • Avoid anal sex. The irritation of tactile receptors in rectum may trigger the risk of interruption of pregnancy.
  • Avoid using lubricants in order to prevent allergic reactions.

Sex During the 1st Trimester


  • ese glino says:

    Thsnks for the information

  • Bonavencia says:

    Hi everyoneI found out i am 4-5 weeks pregnant my man has been wanting sex and i give it to him but i dnt feel anythng wrong after sex so is my baby still fine ?

  • Yemi says:

    Thanks for the information

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