Pregnant Over 40

Pregnant Over 40


Getting Pregnant Over 40 Years Old

Why childbirth after 40 is considered to be dangerous? It must be noted that the woman grows old, and her egg cell also grow old together with her. After 30 years of age, female egg cell becomes less viable, however, as well as male spermatozoa. Of course, it is always possible to resort to artificial insemination. However, the positive result when carrying out IVF is guaranteed in only 40 % of cases. And upon reaching the age between 40 and 43 years success of extracorporal fertilization decreases to 10 %.

How Pregnancy and Childbirth Proceed for Women of the Age of 40?

Pregnancy is always to result in added pressures on the organism. And late pregnancy for women over 40 years of age leads to abortions quite often. The risk of various congenital disorders of newborn baby much more increases. By the way,  it’s worth noting that late second pregnancy doesn't give a guarantee that it would safely proceed. If there is an interval in 10 years between childbirths, the late second pregnancy is may be equated to the first one and also poses many dangers of complications.

Nevertheless, the woman is capable to reduce the existing risks by supporting normal rhythms of life and having got rid of any harmful habits.

  1. First of all, try to reduce your physical activity. Pregnancy at age over 40 years could provoke decrease in immunity. This is natural state of health as the organism of a pregnant woman is capable to take the developing embryo for a foreign matter and to try to get rid of it. Therefore, try to visit public places as seldom as possible and walk about park avenues as much as possible.
  2. Down with high heels! Have mercy on your legs, you don't hurry to get a varicosity.
  3. Reconsider your diet. In your menu there have to be more foods with increased vitamin B9 or folic acid content which is necessary for forming of nervous system of the child. A source of vitamin B9 are spinach, greens, bean, carrots, tomatoes, beets, porridge and buckwheat, fish caviar, a liver, eggs, milk and bread from coarse flour.
  4. Provide normal functioning of your secretory system. The tea prepared from a parsley branch with small addition of lemon juice might help this. Effective functioning of the intestines can also be achieved by drinking 200-400 ml of warm water on an empty stomach and doing several sit-ups after that.
  5. Try to keep regular life, without overloads and sleep debts. Positive emotions will definitely benefit a future mother and her baby growing inside.
  6. Have more often a rest lying. Horizontal position raises a blood flow through the uterus twice. And it is favorable for development of the embryo.
  7. Watch your weight during the first trimester of your pregnancy period. Pregnant women aging over 40 aren't recommended to gain more than two kilograms at this time.

Risks of Late Pregnancy

It is worth to have a clear recognition of the dangers involved in late pregnancy postponing the child's birth for later. The statistics proves that the women who have had their babies late are more often subject to such diseases as a hypertension and diabetes. Besides, women with genetic predisposition to cardiovascular pathologies carry the most risk of ill-effects on health. Pathologies during pregnancy should lead to the cases of a physically and intellectually defective child being born.

How To Get Pregnant After 40 – You Can Get Pregnant Quickly

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