Hyperthyroidism And Pregnancy

Hyperthyroidism And Pregnancy


Hyperthyroidism During Pregnancy

Hyperthyroidism usually occurs when there is a hormone impairment, or, to be more exact, hyperfunction of the hormones produced by thyroid. Such pathology is quite a frequent phenomenon during pregnancy, and it most often occurs because of high level of hCG. Let us see what the mechanisms of this illness are like, so that you do not panic if you discover such problem.

Causes of Hyperthyroidism in Pregnancy

Human chorionic gonadotropin, by a risen level of which pregnancy is identified, very often causes hyperthyroidism. It does not necessarily appear at first months of pregnancy; it can develop at quite late stages of childbearing. The hCG stimulates the work of thyroid, and it causes a failure, which leads to development of this disease. It is not necessarily only pregnancy which leads to hyperthyroidism, it may be general state of a woman’s health.

You should not worry about this deviation if the hormone level is not high, but if an examination shows the opposite (high hormone level), it is only then when treatment is needed. The ailment may develop for other different reasons, which are in no way related to pregnancy. The illness may appear because of toxic diffuse goiter, along with thyroid gland inflammation, or because of molar pregnancy.

Hyperthyroidism Diagnostics During Pregnancy

Hyperthyroidism clinical picture comprises the following: heat intolerance, tachycardia, increased heart volume etc. however, such symptoms may be occur even at normal pregnancy. That is why, having based only on questioning the patient, it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis of what these symptoms indicate; a more thorough examination is necessary.

A precise diagnosis requires a blood test, in which a high level of TSH, T4, and T3 can indicate that this ailment takes place. Another way to identify hyperthyroidism is radioisotope diagnostics, but it is strictly forbidden during pregnancy. So, the diagnosis is based on examination, palpation, percussion, and on auscultation. A US may also be done in order to avoid development of molar pregnancy. Such method is effective both during normal pregnancy and during multiple birth.

Hyperthyroidism Treatment

Hyperthyroidism And Pregnancy 1

After making an accurate diagnosis and identifying the reason for the illness, the treatment begins. During pregnancy they choose the gentlest treatment, which will do no harm to the child. Anti-thyroid medicine is prescribed in minimal doses. Such medication is prescribed so that the effect on the fetus would be as little as possible. The treatment during breastfeeding has the same requirements. The substances in the medicine taken do not penetrate into placenta, so, they are relatively safe during pregnancy.

However, if you leave the illness as it goes, there is a possibility of tough consequences as a result of a very active disease. If such treatment brings no results, then there is a necessity of surgery, which can only be done during second trimester. Iodine isotopes (radioiodine) cannot be used, because they are toxic and dangerous for a pregnant woman and her child. Usually childbirth goes without any complications if during pregnancy the thyroid work was under control. Do not forget about the illness after delivery as well, it requires control.


It was proven long ago that normal functioning of an organism requires different chemical elements, and, since the thyroid regulates the illness, it is recommended to take iodine-containing medicine as prevention. To prevent hyperthyroidism development, you must take iodine daily in amounts up to 200 mg, but you should gradually increase the amount consumed up to this number. When choosing medicine, mind the reasons of the illness, the mother’s physical state, and even climate conditions in the region of the patient’s residence. The medication must necessarily be prescribed by an experienced doctor. Even though some experts recommend taking various food additives along with iodine supplements, consider this issue carefully, because no accurate researches have been done, and the information regarding how different iodine supplements interact is insufficient. The use iodized salt is not forbidden.

It is very important to carry out prevention of hyperthyroidism after pregnancy as well as before. If a pregnancy was planned beforehand, it is better to begin prevention of iodine deficiency in the organism half year in advance. However, the possibility of this illness, even with quality and timely prevention, still exists. In order to avoid such problems during pregnancy, the expecting mothers must control their health not only regarding this illness, but in general as well. In the organism everything is interrelated and runs like clockwork, and if some system is impaired, the entire organism will not work properly. Do not hesitate to consult a doctor if you have any complaints and also for prophylactic testing of your health and overall state. Remember: your health and your child’s health, so as your family’s as well, depend on your present health.

Effects of Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism on Pregnancy.

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