Heart Rate During Pregnancy

Heart Rate During Pregnancy


Heart Rate in Pregnancy

Some important changes occur in female organism from the moment when pregnancy begins. All organs and systems start to reorganize their functioning. This happens for providing their best activity as much as possible, and also for healthy vital functions of the growing baby.

The heart of future mother needs to reinforce its functioning now, because oxygen enters the baby’s organism from her blood immediately. But the heart enlarges its efforts at in the second half of pregnancy period, because the main organs of the child have already formed by this time.

The amount of circulating blood increases as the baby especially needs supply with all necessary nutrients including oxygen during this period.

Therefore during the time when the child develops inside his future mother, her pulse becomes more rapid, especially during the whole of later period of pregnancy. For this reason most of mummies begin to feel their beating heart, forced respiration and shortness of breath. Along with it most of future mothers wonder what pulse the pregnant woman has to have.

Norm of Heart Rate During Pregnancy Period

The heart beat frequency in the normal state varies from sixty to eighty beats in a minute. And the norm of pulse is established as such quantity of beats, when the blood comes to veins and arteries by the partial pushing executed by our main organ, which is the hard. In its turn the blood promotes expansion of vessels walls and it leads to their fluctuations. The raised pulse during pregnancy period is quite normal. But the decisive question is what indicator can be regarded as the overall one.

The norm of pulse is defined individually in each future mother. During pregnancy the increase of heart rate occurs usually from 10 to 15 units. For example, if in a usual state woman’s pulse is 90 units, then, during pregnancy its norm will makes hundred beats. Thus if any deviations are not observed in the future mother, and she is in her normal state, then her heart rate is assumed as definite values varying from 100 to 110 units.

In case of exceeding of these values, it can become the reason for carrying out an additional survey which will help to establish the causes which have provoked changes in functioning of cardiovascular system. Pulse rate with 80 or 90 beats comes to this norm already in the second half of this period. However by 26-28 week pulse of future mothers increases, and by the final period of pregnancy this indicator can be about 120 beats in a minute.

When Does Heart Rate Increase During Pregnancy?

Heart Rate In Pregnancy

In the second half of pregnancy period heart rate, as a rule, corresponds to normal values. And the maximum value is reached approximately for the 27th week and remains unchanged for 32d week. After that it comes back to normal values again. During pregnancy pulse can also increase, in particular, during exercise. At that time, even if the woman lies on her back, her weight up nevertheless, and it results in added pressures on her heart.

If hormonal changes or shortage of microelements are observed in future mother, it can promote tachycardia and also anemia or hypotension. It is very common, that tachycardia is observed during pregnancy along with the reduced pressure level. The heart beating acceleration during pregnancy may always be observed due to some illnesses, such as, in particular not healthy enough lifestyle.

It must be borne in mind that during pregnancy period the sensitivity of female organism undergoes a change including tolerance to products which have not provoked any problems earlier. But now such products, in particular various drugs or drug containing foods can do to the organism a certain harm. In addition, the pregnant woman has to be extremely careful with medicinal preparations which are apparently harmless. For example, various sprays from rhinitis may provoke pulse acceleration during pregnancy, too.

Whether it is Necessary to Enter Some Treatment

During pregnancy it is needed to understand precisely when the quickened pulse is normal and in what case it indicates a different pathology. Quite often it suffices for the pregnant woman only to calm down. For this purpose it is necessary just to lie down and to have a rest for a while.

There’s no need to worry about the child as the female organism adapts to arising changes within a very short period of time. At the same time the organism of the kid is completely protected from different outer influences. When if the acceleration of heart rate which is observed in the pregnant woman makes not less than 140 beats in a minute, then the child has normal heartbeat and at the same time he doesn't feel a hypoxia.

Future mummy has to become cautious in case when along with heart rate acceleration she has such as complaints: faintness, nausea, and also giddiness and shortage of oxygen.

Then it is necessary to carry out further examination for determination of the cause of these symptoms. As a rule, the doctor can prescribe reception of some medicines – such as potassium, magnesium, and also vitamins. Therefore it is needed to visit the gynecologist regularly as he performs measurement of pulse and pressure at each survey.

Besides the doctor is capable to adequately estimate the pregnant woman’s physical state because during pregnancy women quite often scarcely notice physical problems, but only emotional ones.

And what is more, changes of hormonal character at pregnancy directly affect nervous system and quite often heart rate increase during the period when neurosis is observed. Then the doctor will only prescribe medicines with a calming effect. Banal drugs can help in elimination of this problem: motherwort, valerian and others. But in case if they will be not well enough, then it is worth resorting to other agents which are not contraindicated for pregnant women.

Future mothers are allowed to accept such agents as mint, valerian, New Passitum, melissa, motherwort, and Persen during pregnancy. But if during this period the accelerated heart rate is observed, then it is possible to apply herbs which should be added to tea instead of the just listed tinctures.

It is necessary to resort to medical supplies in especially extreme cases, only after consultation with the doctor. The drugs may have effect on the female organism during pregnancy according enclosed instruction, but it is possible that the doctor will forbid reception of these medicines. Besides it is always necessary to implement accurately recommendations of the expert and not to carry out self-treatment, especially when the matter concerns the health of not yet born child.

Slow Heart Rate

However in some of future mothers during pregnancy may observed reduced heart pulse. Such state is called bradycardia. As a rule, the woman doesn't feel any unpleasant feelings with it. But in certain cases, there can be syncopes and giddiness with often decreased blood pressure.

Although bradycardia happens rather seldom it is necessary to remember that it may lead to certain heart disorders. Therefore if future mother have noticed such state, it is worth reporting about it to the doctor. Let's notice that slightly slowed down heart rate won't adversely influence the general health state of the future mother, besides it also doesn't pose any danger for the child.

Is it Normal During Pregnancy to Have a High Heart Rate?

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