Hair Loss After Pregnancy

Hair Loss After Pregnancy


Postpartum Hair Loss

Hair loss after pregnancy is the problem that, at least, half of young mothers face. Why does this happen and what can be done to decrease the amount of the hair loss?

Approximately 90 % of all hair is in the state of a constant growth. All the rest 10 % of hair is in the state of being stable. Each 2-3 months we lose the hair that is stable. On the place where they grew new hair start growing. 40-50 % of women face the problem of an intensive hair loss that usually occur during the first 1-5 months after the baby is born.

As a rule, hair loss occurs due to a natural physiologic reasons. Like any other changes that have been cause by pregnancy, hair loss is a temporary problem. As a rule, a loss of 100 hairs per day is considered to be normal. However, after the pregnancy, there can be a loss of up to 500 hairs per day and it is also considered to be normal. Of course, this causes a slight discomfort on the part of a woman but even if you lose such amount of hair per day, you won’t become bald!

Hair Loss and Pregnancy

In most cases, you lose hair actively approximately during the first three months after labor. An increased level of hormones prevents “old” hairs from falling out on time. After the labor, the level of estrogen in the organism of a woman decreases and the hormonal balance gets back to its normal state. All these influence on a hair term of life.

Young mothers who do not breastfeed their babies lose hair more intensively. Unfortunately, this happens for a reason that a natural cycle of a hair life gets longer during the course of pregnancy. Then, after the pregnancy, “old” hair start falling out practically at once.

In case of a young mother, up to 60 % of hair can get into the state of being stable. Some time should pass in order for the hair follicles to recover and new hairs to grow. Usually, 6-12 months are required for the hair to completely recover and get back to the state when you had a good head of hair.

If a year after the pregnancy has passed and the condition of the hair hasn’t changed, you’re still losing a lot of it, you need to undergo an examination and consult a professional – a physician or a dermatologist. Possibly, your organism lacks iron or other useful nutrients.

Other Reasons for the Hair Loss that are Connected With Pregnancy

Hair Loss After Pregnancy 1

Hair loss may be caused by other factors connected with reproductive system. Any change in the level of estrogen may influence on the condition of your hair. Hair loss may occur if you stopped taking oral contraceptives or you stopped using other hormonal means of preventing pregnancy. Hair loss may occur after a threatened abortion, stillbirth or an induced abortion that occurred as a result of a doctor’s recommendation.

What Hair Will Be Like After the Labor?

Many women note that their hair has significantly changed after pregnancy. It is possible that the structure of your hair will never be the same again. It will never be the way it was before pregnancy since your hormonal balance is now changed. After the pregnancy, your hair may become curly or, vice versa, straight, dry or greasy.

How to Reduce the Amount of Hair Loss During the Course of Pregnancy and After it?

Hair loss after the baby is born is a natural process. All you need is to get through this period that appears to be very difficult from the point of view of your hair. There are several simple but effective ways to improve the condition of your hair during the course of pregnancy and after it.

Following these pieces of advice you may also reduce the amount of hair loss:

  • Consult a physician or a GP and also the doctor who keeps your pregnancy under control. It is necessary to make sure that your hormonal balance is the way it should be.
  • Your hairstyle should be “gentle”. Avoid plaiting your hair tightly or wearing your hair in a ponytail. Throw away all tight hair bands and metallic hair-slides. All these things may harm the structure of your hair.
  • Eat as much fruits and vegetables as possible and drink green tea. All these products contain flavonoids that are natural antioxidants. These antioxidants protect hair follicles and stimulate the growth of new hair.
  • Keep in mind that there should always be products in your diet that have large amounts of vitamins and nutrients. This especially refers to vitamins of B-group, biotin, vitamin of C and E-group and zinc. You may find more information on what should be done to make hair stronger in this article.
  • Take multivitamins complexes for breastfeeding mothers.
  • Use shampoo and hair conditioner that include vitamins (especially biotin). If you have thin hair, you may conceal it by using volumizing shampoo. Usually, such like shampoo includes silicone that envelop hair thus volumizing your hairstyle.
  • Damp hair is particularly fragile. That’s why you should be careful once your hair is washed. You need to start combing your hair once it has a little bit dried out. Try to use hairdryer, a curler or a hair straightener as rare as possible.
  • Change your hairstyle and your hair comb more often. Clean your hair comb with the help of warm water and soap. This way you prevent the breeding of bacteria on it. Ideally, you should use combs made of natural materials.

Hair Loss Post Pregnancy

One Comment

  • Camila says:

    After the birth I started losing hair, (please, advise me a good remedy against hair loss)

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