Gas During Pregnancy

Gas During Pregnancy


Gas and Bloating During Pregnancy

During the course of pregnancy, a woman faces lots of problems and unpleasant situations. Some women get to experience all the “pleasant moments” of pregnancy, others are lucky to experience them only once during the whole course of pregnancy. However, there isn’t a single woman that can say that during the course of pregnancy she didn’t have any awkward situations. One of such like situations are gases during pregnancy. As a rule, they are not dangerous but they make a future mother feel awkward and uneasy.

Flatulence During Pregnancy

Flatulence is an increased level of gases production. It is the reason why a drum belly occurs. There is also almost a constant desire to “let the gases out”, rumbling, eructation and the feeling of being overfilled. It is not rare when flatulence is accompanied by pains in the lower part of the belly. These pains can even be spastic – like. This is a case of gas colic. If it gets really bad, flatulence may lead to a possibility of a threatened abortion. Most often, flatulence occurs on the 2nd or 3rd trimester of pregnancy. This is the time when uterus becomes big enough.

Reasons of an Increase Gas Production During Pregnancy

  • a lack of enzymes. As a result, big amounts of indigested foods get into the colon where they rot and ferment;
  • diseases connected with the digestive tract (gastritis, duodenitis, gastric ulcer, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, stones in the gallbladder, hepatitis) and also an unhealthy and unbalanced way of eating;
  • a disorder of intestinal microbiocenosis – disbacteriosis.
  • progesterone, that is being synthesized during the course of pregnancy, relaxes all inner organs and, first of all, uterus and intestines;
  • a pregnant uterus presses all the loops of the colon.

All this factors make your intestines lazy, its motility gets weaker.

Measures You Need to Take to Fight With the Production of Gases

Gas During Pregnancy 1

First of all, under any condition you shouldn’t eat while you’re walking or standing. As a result, you may choke on foods or air that will consequently create an “air pocket” in your intestines. A certain pain is a sign of an “air pocket”. Secondly, you need to take foods in calmly, not feeling worried. Otherwise, you may take in an amount of air. Thirdly, you need to know for sure what foods you can eat and what foods cause flatulence.

Diet in Case of an Increased Level of Gas Production

First of all, you need to take your daily foods not all at once but in 5 doses. The portions shouldn’t be big but enough to satisfy hunger and not overeat. You need to exclude all foods that lead to an increased level of gas production. The list of such foods includes: peas, bean, grape, cabbage, sour vegetables, pickles, onion, garlic, sweet meals, fuzzy drinks, rye bread, kvass, fried foods. You need to add to your diet cultured milk foods such as kefir, fermented baked milk and bonny clabber. They have lactobacteria that contribute to the removal of excess gases. You may and you should eat curd cheese everyday. It won’t only help you fighting with flatulence, but it is also a source of calcium that is very necessary during the course of pregnancy.

Other Measures that Will Help You Fighting With Flatulence

Long walks on fresh air will be rather helpful. The walks should last for not less than 1 hour. Swimming (and not only in a swimming pool) stimulates the intestines rather effectively. There is a special gymnastics for intestines that you should do daily. If the drum of the belly is rather strong, you may do something to make yourself feel better. It is a simple exercise that you should do. You need to caress your belly for 10-15 minutes clockwise. Then, you should turn over on your left side raise your leg a bit and let the gases out.

Decoctions made out of the following herbs are rather helpful: a dandelion root, seeds of a dill, fennel, mint and yellow sweet-clover. You need to take one spoon (for roots or leaves) or one teaspoon (for seeds) of the suggested herbs. You need to boil them by adding a glass of hot water. Then, you cover everything with a cap and put aside for 4-5 hours. You need to take such a decoction three times a day, on an empty stomach, one hour before you eat. You may also take carminative drugs such as Semithecone and Espumisan. They are not dangerous to take during the course of pregnancy. Camomile tea is also effective in case of an increased level of gas production. You may take it twice a day but it shouldn’t be strong.

One Comment

  • Jess says:

    Am not exactly sure how many months I am I last had my periods on March 5th

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