Bleeding In Early Pregnancy

Bleeding In Early Pregnancy


Vaginal Bleeding in Early Pregnancy

How much bleeding is normal in early pregnancy? Bleeding from the vagina during pregnancy, especially in the early stages, always very strongly bothers women. And that, in general, is correct. Bleeding in such a situation can be a symptom of a rather serious illnesses and pathologies. But is bleeding in early pregnancy always dangerous?

Of course, not. Spotting can be caused by a variety of reasons, some of which are not dangerous. Below is the detail account about all the grounds that can cause bleeding during pregnancy.

Bleeding in Early Pregnancy: Implantation Bleeding

Implantation bleeding is considered by some to be one of the first signs of pregnancy. Anyway, before implantation occurs, there can be no other signs, because the fertilized egg does not contact with the body of the mother and is in the uterus. During the implantation the ovum, penetrating into the lining of the uterus, can damage small blood vessel, causing slight bleeding at the first month of pregnancy.

Implantation usually occurs at about 25-28 day of the cycle, that is, about when next menstruation is to begin. It is menstrual bleeding which is most often confused with implantation one, because usually a woman simply doesn't know about the pregnancy during this period. However, the nature of the spotting in this period differs significantly from the menstruation. The spotting is considerably less abundant, and continue usually 1-2 days. No increased bleeding occurs like during menstruation.

Breakthrough Bleeding

Breakthrough bleeding is called a bleeding resulting from hormonal breakout of the menstrual cycle. Due to the sudden change in hormonal levels in early pregnancy, together with minor hormonal disorders, bleeding occurs in some cases, coinciding with the menstruation, but considerably less abundant than the menstruation.

Such bleeding can occur not only in the first month, but a few more times. Because of this, some women up to 3-4 months are not even aware of their pregnancy. Actually, this explains why it is not possible to navigate in the diagnosis of pregnancy only by the delay of menstruation, one should always pay attention to a few signs.

Breakthrough bleeding also does not represent a particular danger, and is not a symptom of the disease.
Infection and erosion, as the causes of bleeding in early pregnancy

Infectious and inflammatory processes in the cervix and cervical canal can also cause bleeding in early pregnancy. In this case, the spotting will appear after any traumatic actions: sex, visit to a gynecologist, physical exertion and so on.

To this group of causes of bleeding during pregnancy can be attributed, for example, erosion of the cervix. Underneath this phrase is hidden the damage of mucous membranes of cervix, which can be both congenital and acquired as a result of various diseases and injuries.

In most cases the disease is asymptomatic and does not cause any inconvenience to the patient. However, in some cases, bleedings and pains can arise.

Erosion has no effect on pregnancy, fetal development and the process of childbirth. Therefore, some doctors say that is not necessary to treat it during pregnancy. Other experts argue that the erosion should be treated. It is up to the woman to decide. Study the information, weigh all the pros and cons, and make a decision: to treat the erosion immediately, or wait until the end of the pregnancy.

There is no choice in case of infection. If the bleeding is caused by an infectious disease, it must be treated. Moreover, as soon as possible. Almost all infections affect fetal development. In most unpleasant cases the changes can make a fetus inviable and cause miscarriage.

Infection usually are advised to be treated even before the pregnancy, however this is not always done. And nobody is immune from infection after conception.

The Threat of Miscarriage

Light Bleed In Early Pregnancy

The most serious and unpleasant cause of bleeding, and unfortunately, far from being the most rare is the threat of miscarriage. Behind that phrase hides a whole galaxy of causes and diagnoses, some of which leaves future parents at least a tenuous hope of saving the pregnancy, but some are part of the sentence.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, it depends: a large part of early miscarriage occurs in the first 4 weeks, when a woman simply doesn't know about her pregnancy. On the one hand, in this case the hope dies for continuation of the pregnancy, and on the other, a woman is still not used, and not even beginning to get used to the idea that she will become a mother.

Minimal chances of survival of the fetus are in the case when genetic abnormalities become the cause of the miscarriage. In such a situation the mother rejects inviable fetus. Often a miscarriage happens after the death of the embryo.

The reason for the threat of miscarriage can be a variety of chronic and infectious diseases of the mother, abnormalities in the structure of the uterus, hormonal problems, Rhesus conflict and so on. To face the risk of miscarriage increases with age, as well as in multiple pregnancy. Women who smoke, drink and use drugs are also at risk.

What to do in Case of Bleeding?

As you can see, not always bleeding means any serious threats and diseases. This does not mean, however, that when you see the spotting you can afford to relax and not to worry.

Anyway you must contact your doctor. It is unlikely that a woman is able to self diagnose, and not make a mistake. Is it worth risking your child, your health, and sometimes your life?

If it turns out that we are talking about the threat of miscarriage then, how quickly the woman can see the doctor depends whether or not she will be able to save the pregnancy. In addition, if the bleeding does not stop in time, not only an embryo, but a pregnant woman can suffer.

When you see the spotting, it is necessary to call an ambulance and lie down. Peace is the most important recommendation, which should not be violated in any case. To reach the hospital by walking is also not recommended. Walking and public transport is a very serious load at a suspected threat of miscarriage.

When a woman is taken to the hospital, the first step to be taken is to stop the bleeding. Then, tests will be done and the necessary studies conducted to determine the cause of threatened miscarriage. Based on these data the treatment will be given.

Depending on the severity of the condition of a woman, she can go home for treatment, or be offered to stay in hospital. It should not be refused. Few are those who manage to observe real calm at home. And not all the procedures can be performed at home.

The main thing in this situation is not to be nervous. Excessive nervousness can exacerbate the situation. Generally, if a woman sees the doctor in a timely manner, she can save the pregnancy.

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