Abnormal Pregnancy

Abnormal Pregnancy


Pathology of pregnancy is a collective term, which includes a list of diseases and certain symptoms that occur in girls during gestation, and ending, often after childbirth or abortion. The health status of pregnant women, her lifestyle, which was before conceiving a child, as well as defects caused by the peculiarities of the development of the fetus affect the course of pregnancy.

Most of these factors shall not be a serious threat to the future of the child and the mother, but their timely identification and strict control is simply necessary in all situations of a complicated pregnancy. Only in this way can be created conditions that will prevent situations that carry a risk to the health and life of the fetus and the woman.

Symptoms of Pregnancy Pathology

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The symptoms of complicated pregnancy can be different-it can be a strong feeling of discomfort, and no serious changes in well-being. In some situations, the degree of symptoms may not correspond to the degree of risk of the pathology, which defines medical advice on quantity and frequency of monitoring surveys of childbearing over time.

Complicated pregnancies can occur:

1. General signs

  • Dyspnea;
  • Weakness;
  • Slowing or complete lack of weight gain;
  • Dizziness;
  • Yellowness of the skin;
  • Vomiting and nausea.

2. Kidney symptoms

  • Swelling;
  • Pain or heaviness in the back;
  • Extremely large or a small amount of urine.

3. Cardiovascular manifestations

  • Head pain;
  • Bouts of palpitations.

4. Gynaecological manifestations

  • The absence of abdominal circumference changes or its sharp growth;
  • Pain in the abdomen;
  • Cloudy or bloody vaginal discharge;
  • The lack of a child's movements.

Causes of Pregnancy Pathology

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The difference between pregnancy from other diseases is that in such a situation, not one, but two people suffer from diseases. Another difference is that small, as seemingly very small deviations in the period, compared with all life, in 9 months can lead to dramatic consequences for the life of the child, his mother and the whole family. It is because of this you need to do everything to ensure that any pathology of pregnancy is excluded. Causes of pathology of pregnancy period can be very diverse.

They are divided into several groups:

  • Chronic illness that a woman had even before the the moment of conception.
  • Acute diseases, which the girl suffered during pregnancy.
  • Genetic glitches.
  • Use of certain medications.
  • Adverse environmental conditions.
  • Bad habits that existed both during gestation of the baby and before this period.

Who is at Risk

  • Girls with cardio-vascular disease, hypertensive disease, kidney disease, liver or endocrine system.
  • Women suffering from diabetes.
  • Women working in hazardous or difficult conditions.
  • Women who have a problem with smoking, alcohol and drug abuse.
  • Women who became pregnant after 30 years.
  • Women who have relatives with pathology of pregnancy.
  • Pregnant again, experiencing the first pregnancy complications.
  • Girls in families of which genetic abnormalities were discovered.

Pregnancy Risk Assessment

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Today, an important detail in the practice of obstetrics and pregnancy monitoring is an assessment of the risk of pregnancy and perinatal pathology. It is worth noting that all those factors are taken into account that can complicate pregnancy, and affect the health of an unborn baby and his parents.

Factors that can complicate pregnancy, are divided into several groups:

  • Social and biological factors. This group includes pregnant age more 30 years, as well as the age of the father is greater than 40 years, bad habits from his father or mother (overindulgence in alcoholic beverages and smoking), harmful working conditions that increase the risk of chromosomal and other diseases of the child.
  • Obstetric-gynaecological factors (identified through examination and questioning of the pregnant). This group includes number of births exceeding 4 times, if a nulliparous woman had abortions, abortions between two pregnancies, preterm birth, infertility, stillbirth, gynecologic illnesses of a woman, diseases of the fetus in a previous pregnancy.
  • Different diseases suffered by the girl during gestation-pathologies of internal organs, chronic and acute infection, gestosis and toxaemia, haemorrhage during pregnancy, negative rhesus factor.
  • Different diseases of the fetus-hypoxia, paratrofia, hypotrophy.

One Comment

  • Melissa p Anderson says:

    I am pregnant the baby is not in the right place

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