When to Have Sex if You Want to Get Pregnant

When to Have Sex if You Want to Get Pregnant


When is the Best Time to Get Pregnant

Globally, lots of women who dream of pregnancy face problems. There are millions of them. They often ask themselves what to do when they fail to get pregnant. Fortunately, most conception problems are easily managed. The point is to be purposeful and take measures to stay healthy, and pay attention to the physical health of your partner, and your dream will come true.

Though, you may still fail to have a baby due to some factors that influence your physical readiness to bear a child. An these factors may be the problem. If you want to conceive, you need to think of lots of things to care acout.

The Days When You are Mostly Likely to be Pregnant

Want to get pregnant? Be ready to think of things from the very beginning that you need to control. First, remember of certain days which are more fertile. We know what ovulation is and that the ovum may fertilize on certain days. So, get ready to calculate your ovulation days beforehand to identify these fertility days when you have more chances to conceive. And still, most women who dream of a child, especially those who try it for the first time, fail to do that or neglect it.

General schemes to calculate the ovulation (on the 14 day after your first day of periods) are often useless and they cannot help you define the days for successful pregnancy precisely. Each female has her own menstrual cycle that may differ from the ‘standard’ cycle. To determine the ovulation period correctly, you may use special devices that help to predict the day of ovum fertilization based on the temperature of your bodyor presence of specific chemical elements in your saliva, urine or blood sample.

As you define your ovulation, you may calculate the fertility period. This is to day, that you have to find out the days that are more effective to bring to coneption. Remember, that this period lasts for about 5 days before you ovulate and 1 to 2 days after that period. To increase the chances to conceive, you are recommended the regular sex, say every other day.

How to Have Sex to Conceive

Experts usually advise on the ways to have sex to father a child. Once more, these methods and recommendations are certified and proved by science. Though, when it comes to quacking with child, you are free in the all-holds-barred struggle.


It’s been said that the certain positions are more successful for conception as compared to others. For instance, try the missionary position which is believed to be more fertile than the cowgirl position.

Certain positions make sense when it has to do with certain uterus peculiarities, indeed. So, women with the backward-turned uterus are more fertile when having sex with their partners from behind.

Frequency to Have Sex

The scheduled sex may kill your entire romantic environment. Do not make it a work or responsibility! Try your best to avoid thinking of getting pregnant quicker or conceiving during your first sexual intercourse. Make love whenever and wherever you want it and try to just enjoy it! Yet, the experts suppose that the orgasm increases the chances to father a child.

An exception is the fertility period only as described above. You and your partner have to be more ‘hard-working’ to succeed. Keep doing it regularly.


Did you know that lubricants that you use for sex create the media that is fatal for the sperm. So, to conceive, forget about them for a while.

Oral Sex

Spermatozoids are too fragile that too acidic saliva may destroy them. Thus, avoid having the oral sex for the period you try to conceive.

What to do After Sex

To get pregnant, it’s too useless to raise your legs afterwards. It does not work when it comes to legs only. But, if you have your belly area in the upper position after sex putting a cushion under your pelvis, the spermatozoids may be more successful. According to some sources, a candlestick position helps, indeed. On the top of it, you have all chances to be a welcome surprise demonstrating the plasticity and flexibility to your partner’s enjoy.

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