Eye Twitching During Pregnancy

Eye Twitching During Pregnancy


Eye Twitching in Pregnancy

Often high emotional pressure can cause eye twitching. Usually such symptoms disappear in few days, but sometimes they persist for weeks and require consultation of a specialist. There is organic and nervous tics. In the first case, tic is associated with a CNS disease accompanied by the destruction of certain brain structures or tumors’ formation. The second type is nervous tic developed because of emotional stress accompanied by changes in brain structures.

Symptoms Nervous Tic

To understand the causes and treatment options, first, we need to define the concepts. Tics are muscle or muscle fibres’ twitching.

The main features of the tic:

  • involuntary contraction of muscles, this means it can’t be stopped or prevented by an effort;
  • mainly affects facial muscles as they are anatomically connected with the CNS;
  • more common among megalopolis dwellers, as they tend to have busy and dynamic lifestyles;
  • nervous tics often affect people engaged in intellectual work, office workers.

Causes of a Nervous Tic, Why Does eye Twitch in Pregnancy?

Hormonal changes, getting used to a new physiological state, changing lifestyles and even pleasant troubles can cause psycho-emotional shift and cause a nervous tic.

Persistent clinical manifestations in the form of regular twitches make you think about a serious neurological disease requiring in-depth examination. Taking into the account pregnancy and possible harm to the baby that may be caused by diagnostics, the decision is taken individually for every case.

Treatment of Nervous tic in Pregnant Women

We should specify that pregnant women’d better opt for non-drug therapy, especially during first three months of pregnancy when the baby is actively developing internal organs. You can be assigned with medications based on herbs. It can be a common valerian extract or complex drugs, such as Persen. Avoid alcohol tinctures.

Among non-drug therapy a special role has acupuncture, physiotherapy. As for physiotherapeutic methods, relaxing face massage and balneotherapy (baths with sea salt) are widely used for this purpose. Acupuncture is an effective method relaxing muscles and soothing the nervous system. It is not recommended to suggestible patients.

Simple Tips to Cope With a Nervous Tic

  1. Lead a regular lifestyle. Follow the recommendations of your obstetrician-gynecologist.
  2. Stick to your daily routine. Go to bed before 24:00. It is important to go to bed and wake up at the same time. Don't forget about maternal leave. There is no place to self-sacrifice during pregnancy.
  3. Walk in the fresh air every day at least one hour. Go out with your family. Walks calms down the nervous system and contribute to maintaining healthy family relationships.
  4. Limit the time you watch TV and work at the computer, especially at bedtime. It stimulates nervous processes and can cause tics.

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