7 Months Pregnant

7 Months Pregnant


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How many weeks is 7 months in pregnancy, the 7th months of pregnancy is the 27-31th weeks.

All Information About the Seventh Month of Pregnancy

In the seventh month of gestation, the baby is about 38-41 cm long and weighs up to one and a half kilograms by the end of the month. All organs and systems are practically formed, but are improving and getting ready to function independently from the mom’s body.

The stomach, intestines, kidneys are almost ready, while the lungs making first respiratory movements, still need time to get ready to function in the outside world. At this term, a premature newborn has big chances for survival. The nervous system and the cerebral cortex are developing. The baby can react to pain, distinguish the sounds of the outside world, hear the mom’s voice, react to her intonations and express emotions.

During this month, the baby gains weight and occupies practically the whole uterus. He can hardly find enough room in the mom’s tummy to feel comfortable, that’s why he cuddles crossing the legs and arms. The baby is moving actively, while the moves become more frequent and stronger. He is the most active at night, because during the day time he’s lulled by the mom’s voice and movements. You can not only feel, but also see your baby pushing. The baby's skin is still dry and wrinkled. During this month, it intensively accumulates subcutaneous fat and is getting flat – by the time of the birth it will be smooth, though thin and red.

Changes at 7 Month Pregnancy

7 Months Pregnant 1

The seventh month of pregnancy is 27-31 weeks of gestation. During this time, the mom-to-be may experiences some conditions. Some of them are just peculiarities of the pregnancy. While others may require special attention and timely medical assistance. It is necessary to tell ones from the others. At this term, the expectant mom may have scarce and mucous vaginal discharge. If you have discharge of unusual color, smell and character, you should seek doctor’s advice and make a smear test. Otherwise, it may be dangerous for both the mom and the baby.

Itching in the abdominal area is normal – it means that the skin has reached the limit of elasticity that depends on your individual skin type. You can also be at risk of stretch marks, as the tummy is very big and the skin is stretched. You should start using special creams to soften the skin and prevent their appearance. Many expectant mothers begin to have false contractions. It is a good sign. Contractions check the readiness of the uterus for the labor. The feeling of the uterine tonus does not last long. False contractions are not regular and do not prevent you from living an ordinary life. That’s the difference between false and real contractions.

7 Months Pregnant Belly Pictures

pictures of 7 months pregnant belly

During this period, breasts start to produce colostrum. This shouldn’t frighten you, conversely it’s a good news announcing that your body is getting ready to feed the baby. It is not worthy worrying or squeezing the breasts. Increased size of the belly causes problems with digestion. The uterus puts pressure on the stomach, liver, intestines, and all internal organs. This can cause aching pain in the upper quadrant, heartburn, nausea, excessive gas, constipation. You shouldn’t overload these organs, try to eat smaller portions. Be sure to control your stool.

Gaining weight increases load on the muscles, bones and joints, which can cause pain in the following parts of the body: the back, loins and feet, there is a risk of leg cramps. The same reason contributes to varicose veins of the lower extremities and the hemorrhoids. It’s hardly possible to avoid these conditions, but you can reduce them wearing a brace and doing therapeutic exercise. The uterus pressing the diaphragm can also cause shortness of breath when you are moving and walking fast. The moms-to-be become slow, absent-minded, thoughtful. The pace becomes clumsy, movements are careful; it’s a characteristic feature of the pregnant ladies.

In addition, at this time arise psychological problems. As the day of the birth approaches, women become increasingly worried about both her own health and the health of the baby, where to take the baby after the delivery, what name to choose, whether everything will go smoothly. A mom-to-be is anxious about how she and her baby will look like. All these thoughts bother her causing excitement and insomnia. Attention and care of loved ones are very important during this period. The future mother must understand that her pregnancy is not a disease, but a normal condition of a woman expecting a baby. She should feel that her loved ones are looking forward for the baby to be born, too.

7 Months Pregnant Ultrasound Gender

7 Months Ultrasound Boy:

7 Months Ultrasound Boy

7 Months Ultrasound Girl:

7 Months Ultrasound Girl

7 Months Ultrasound Pictures

ultrasound at 7 months pregnant

Plan of Actions

You should continue to visit your gynecologist. Up to 36 week of the pregnancy two check-ups a month are quite enough. During these visits, the doctor will weigh you, control the blood pressure, check the fundal height, listen to the baby’s heartbeat.

The doctor may assign a number of tests: urine tests for glucose and protein levels, blood tests. If some indicators such as hemoglobin change, the doctor will prescribe you medications. Low hemoglobin levels contribute to the insufficient oxygenation of the fetus. It is harmful for both the mom and the baby.

Weight Gain

7 Months Pregnant 2

As in all other terms of pregnancy, you should strictly monitor your weight. By the seventh month of pregnancy, you should put on about 9-10 kg.


The expectant moms have two months before the delivery. You can enjoy yourself waiting for a miracle to come. However, noticing any worrying signs you should immediately seek your doctor’s advice.

This could be infection of the urinary system. It manifests itself by sharp pain in the lower back, fever, nausea, painful and frequent urination, change of the urine color and purity. To establish a diagnosis and administer proper treatment it is necessary to conduct several tests and examinations.

Pain in the abdomen and spotting or bleeding may be a symptom of such serious complication as placenta praevia. If for some reason the placenta can’t follow the growth of the uterus, the developing baby squeezes it and may cause the placenta abruption, which in any case will result in deterioration of the blood and nutrition supply to the fetus and hypoxia.

Diagnosis: low or complete placenta praevia is an indication for hospitalization. The further progression of the pregnancy should be monitored by the doctors. The growth of the uterus will provide two solutions to this problem: the first one – the problem will solve by itself and end up with a normal delivery, and the second – the abruption of placenta and an urgent C-section. The solution depends on the doctor, who monitors the pregnancy.

Tests at 7 Month Pregnancy

At this term, you may be assigned with:

  • weight and blood pressure control;
  • monitoring of the fetus heartbeat;
  • fundal height;
  • urinalysis for glucose and protein contents;
  • check-ups of the extremities for varicose veins.

Video Guide: Pregnancy 7 Month


  • Mtyana Mongikazi says:

    ey i just feel very excited when i feel my baby kicking also my boyfriend love to massage my tummy n feel our baby kicking looolz when i eat my baby kick am very proud of my pregancy n my bf too i have 6 months now cannt wait to see my baby

  • noku says:

    I think 7 months pregnant symptoms will take my life

  • Doris says:

    I can’t wait to c my baby infact when my baby kick i feel like let it be kickin cos i lov it

  • Shahy says:

    Aaaaww! Cnt wait to c my bby loolz

  • suriya says:

    Eagerly waiting to see my baby’s cute face… I love u dear

  • Nazneen Arman from Lahore Pakistan says:

    i feeling in 7 month like someone is here always with me whenever i m thinking something else my baby make realize …i m not alone at all ..its a great happy feelings…i m thankful to Almighty Allah For this blessing…..i love my baby

  • happy hot mom says:

    cant wait to see my baby!! countdown few months!!

  • Satish says:

    How many veins on 7th month baby’s head????Is that one side 8 and other side 7 is correct or what?Pls suggest me what should I do is that problematic???

  • qolisile says:

    7months symtops are killing me cant wait to meet my baby

  • Esi says:

    A few weeks for me to see my baby and am thankful to the almighty God for such a wonderful gift given to me

  • Khowie says:

    Can’t wait to hold ma bby

  • shafah says:

    Have abdominal pain n fever just that hope its normal

  • Nickey says:

    Thanks much for all these information

  • Irnalene says:

    Im 7mnths now and cnt wait to meet my bundle of joy my bf also…i love it when hes kicking sometimes it hurts but its all bcoz i knw hes getting bigger now..love you my boy

  • ELLA says:

    all praises to GOD who gave me child.i will continue to praise him forever

  • sarah says:

    God Bless You For Your Good Work.

  • Nehal asari says:

    can’t wait the see my baby ????……

  • SrijAna tamang says:

    7 month and my baby moves frequently which hurts Lil bit after all its not easy to be a mother ????love you..mamma waiting for you with bundles of happiness

  • Khanyisa says:

    Im 7 months pregnant i have a pain in my right leg it’s normal?

  • Sonia says:

    All glory to God in heaven who has given me this precious gift of a baby.I like it when you kick.

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