38 Weeks Pregnant

38 Weeks Pregnant


Next: 39 Weeks Pregnant

38 weeks of pregnancy how many months? Is the 9th month or 3d trimester.

What to Expect at 38 Weeks Pregnant

The body of the baby prepares itself to the birth, and the closer the date of birth is, the more significant the changes in its body are. The baby’s skin becomes smooth, the vellus disappears, and the formation of vernix caseosa stops. Every day, the child's weight increases, but now not more than in 30 grams a day. After the birth, the colon is cleared of dead cells that fill it completely. They are easily removed together with the first stool, sometimes it happens in the mother’s womb, dead cells are covered by mucus with a greenish tinge. It is nothing wrong and causes no harm both to mother and baby. In the 38th week of pregnancy, the baby weight is approximately 3100 grams.

According to the statistics, only 5 % of pregnant women give normal birth to their babies in time, determined by physicians. In other cases, delivery may occur much earlier, so the future mom needs to be ready to go to the hospital immediately. The first signs of the coming childbirth are contractions. Usually, the contractions are accompanied by severe pain in the lower part of the pelvis and belly. The contractions are the main messenger of childbirth, and they require visiting a doctor as soon as possible. In the last stages of the pregnancy, the mother's abdomen begins lowering down and causing discomfort, which can be compared to the electric shocks in the lower part of the belly.

The 38th week of pregnancy is often the last one, and every woman should remember this. It is interesting that in this week the girls are born more often. Boys, on the contrary, prefer to stay in the womb until the last day of the 40th week, and sometimes even longer. Also, if the pregnancy is not the first in the life of the woman, the childbirth is more likely to happen in the 38th week.

Only a small percentage (about 5 %) of women carries their second and following babies up to such a large period. Babies who are born in the 38th week are not considered prematurely born; such delivery is perfectly healthy and absolutely natural. There is a delivery model, which includes three stages. In the first stage, uterine wall turns very thin and stretchable, thanks to the contractions. Only with the help of such uterus the baby can be born.

The second stage is characterized by bearing down aches. On the third, final stage, there comes bursting of the waters and childbirth itself. Usually, by the end of pregnancy, the expectant mother has already had all the necessary tests and ultrasound, and she is fully confident in the health of her baby. Now, she needs only to wait for the baby’s coming into the world. But in the case of suspicion of a threat to the baby’s life, doctor may prescribe ultrasound, which shows the development of the baby in the womb, and its position relative to the umbilical cord.

Information Which May be Useful at 38 Weeks of Pregnancy:

What Happens to the Baby at 38 Weeks Pregnancy

38 Weeks Pregnant 1In the 38th week of pregnancy the baby’s organism is completely developed and formed. The child is waiting for the birth.

If the delivery has not occurred in the 38th week, and the baby stays in mother's belly until the very end of the period, nothing will happen to it, except a small increase in weight.

Our baby weighs 3 kg, and its tiny body’s length is about 50 cm: it is much bigger than in the previous stages of pregnancy. Vernix caseosa is gone, and the skin is smooth, protective hairs disappeared. The baby’s skin turned pink. Meconium (first stool) is completely formed and, after the birth, the baby can easily get rid of it.

But in the rare cases, the meconium escape may happen before the baby’s birth. In this case, meconium comes out together with bursting of the waters that acquire a greenish colour; this causes no harm to mother’s or baby’s health. In the 38th week of pregnancy, boys’ testicles finish their formation. The doctor must track the correct formation of the testicles in order to prevent possible problems in the future.

How the Belly at 38 Weeks Pregnancy

In this period, the expectant mother is looking forward to the birth of her child. The child in the last weeks of pregnancy is relatively large, compared with the previous periods, and the woman feels inconvenience.

The belly seems incredibly large, woman’s weight increases, thus increasing the stress on the legs becomes higher, this is the reason of frequent leg swollen. It is hard for woman to moves, her belly causes pressure on the internal organs, making it difficult to breathe, and causing frequent urination. The belly skin is strongly stretched, dry and itchy. Sleep also becomes restless.

The navel is not tiny anymore, on its place there is something like taut leather pouch. Do not worry about this, after a little while after the delivery the stomach will be as attractive as it was before.

When the belly is lowered, it means that inside of it the baby rests his head on the pelvic floor. If the expectant mother feels her belly lowering down, she needs to understand that the delivery begins.

38 Weeks Pregnant Belly Pictures

38 Weeks Pregnant 2

38 weeks pregnancy photos

Images: big bellies at 38 weeks 4 days pregnant.

What is the Normal Weight Gain at 38 Weeks Pregnancy

The weight of the pregnant woman should increase depending on the term. Pregnant women should track their weight, due to the fact that excess weight may cause problems. Normally, a pregnant woman to the end of the 38th week of pregnancy gains on the average 14-15 kg, because the weight of a pregnant woman increases only due to the development of the baby inside of her.

Feelings at 38 Weeks Pregnancy

During the pregnancy, the feelings are always the same, regardless of the sex of the unborn child. After 35th-36th week of pregnancy, expectant mother can feel the activity of the child, feel its every movement. With increase of the pregnancy period, the baby’s activity reduces, as with each week there is less and less free space left in the belly.

In the last stages of pregnancy, the baby is slow and makes light movements. In the later stages of pregnancy, the expectant mother should be careful about the inhabitant of her belly, and keep track of each, even barely noticeable baby’s movement. If a kid makes 10 turnovers and pushes a day, it can be characterized as healthy and active. Otherwise, a pregnant woman should visit a doctor as soon as possible. If the baby does not move, then its life could be at risk, and it needs medical assistance.

In the last stages of pregnancy, the women are very tired and exhausted, because they are looking forward to the birth of their baby. Every movement of the expectant mother recalls that soon the long-awaited moment will come.

After the belly "lowered down", the expectant mother can literally take a deep breath. Now, her internal organs are free of uterine pressure, heartburn and belching disappears, and the digestion turns normal.

38 Weeks Ultrasound Pictures

38 Weeks Pregnant 3

Ultrasound at 38 Weeks Pregnant

Pain at 38 Weeks Pregnancy

The last weeks of pregnancy, compared with the previous ones, are quite painful, menstrual sharp pain, cramping and cramps in this period is a common phenomenon. In the 38th week of pregnancy, the birth canal starts forming. The ligaments turn elastic, soft, and joints become weaker and more open. Due to the relatively large weight of the child, the centre of gravity displacement occurs. There is sore in the lumbar region, ribs and sacrum. If there is pain in the calves, it means that the woman has calcium deficiency.

The 38th week is also characterized by the beginning of contractions. But these are not Braxton Hicks contractions. These uterine contractions will stop, if you change the positions of the body or lie down comfortably. They are called contractions of false labour. If, on the contrary, the pain intensifies, it is time to go to the hospital.

In the 38th week of pregnancy, there is swelling, and this condition affects the overall well-being of women. If the swelling has undesirable effects, such as loose bowels, vomiting, or dizziness, you need medical attention, as these are symptoms of preeclampsia that is an interference with proper blood flow.

Vaginal Discharge

The vaginal discharge in the 38th week of pregnancy is normal and safe. Often, this discharge is milky white, homogeneous, with slight sour smell. In the 38th week of pregnancy, due to the opening of the uterus, the mucus is discharged. If the mucus lots has bloody blotches in it, or if it is of pink, brown or yellow colour, the childbirth will come very soon. All this means that the mucous plug is discharged.

If the smell of the vaginal discharge confuses you, if they are green and have cheesy consistency, if there is pus – this situation requires an immediate solution. Most likely, it is an infection that needs to be treated immediately.

In the 38th week of pregnancy you need to be alert and attentive. In this period there are high chances of the placental abruption. This can be understood by spotting discharge. The more abundant such discharge is, the more the placental abruption is. In this case you should visit a doctor. The baby’s life can be saved, but the presentation is excluded. If the discharge is not dense and opaque, it means the bursting of the waters.

If there is such discharge, it means:

  • It is the beginning of the delivery, and the baby will soon be born;
  • Lack of fetal membrane is characterised by discharge of turbid liquid.

Delivery at 38 Weeks Pregnancy

The childbirth on stage of pregnancy may start right now, today or tomorrow, or they can even "wait" for about one more month. All of these are absolutely normal. The newborn girl is usually in a hurry to please her mother with the early birth. The expectant mother should not stay alone for a long time, or at least she should be able to make a phone call in any moment. The delivery in the 38th week of pregnancy is considered to be full-term and timely.

38 Weeks Pregnant: Your Pregnancy Has Reached Full-Term

Sex at 38 Weeks Pregnancy

Sexual desire is not going away in the 38th week of pregnancy. You can and should have sex in this period, not only because this way a pregnant woman will be pleased, but also because it is useful for the baby: sex improves blood circulation, so the baby will never suffer from oxygen deprivation.

Besides, this way the joy hormone is released, and this also has a good impact on the woman’s well-being. Another interesting fact: having sex may prompt the childbirth. During sex, the already lowered and very sensitive cervix is stimulated, so orgasm may cause uterine contractions. So, if you are tired of being pregnant, the solution is always there! But do not hurry; firstly you need to visit their doctor for consultation.


  • if the there is swelling, you feel light headed, you have unstable blood pressure, nausea or diarrhea, these are signs of pre-eclampsia;
  • the delivery is approaching, if you feel sick, pain in the lower abdominal and groin, similar to the electric shocks. This happens because the child touches the nerve endings, moving through the birth canal;
  • throwing up at 38 weeks pregnant sign of labor, deliveries begin;
  • bleeding or leaking of amniotic fluid reason to go to the hospital.

Recommendations for Women

  • consider your diet: it must be well balanced, and full of products rich in calcium. Eat more cheese, fish (even chalk is useful) – then your bones will be strong.
  • take vitamins, and try to relax more. Avoid resting on your back. Bustle around the house less, let the future father take care of everything.
  • observe your emotions, tell your doctor if you are constantly in a bad mood or depression.
  • walking at least twice a day.

Video Guide: 38 weeks pregnancy

Twin Pregnancy at 38 Weeks

At this point, the twins are not so free to move, as they have grown considerably, and the intrauterine space is reduced greatly. In the 38th week of pregnancy the kids cause a tremendous stress on the placenta, therefore most likely every week the mother is under the close supervision of a physician. Fluff, which appeared during the children’s development now disappears, their appearance is improved.

Toward the end of the term, somewhere in the 37th-40th week, the babies are fully formed, mature; their internal organs are getting ready for the complex process of birth and adaptation to the new environment. Children, born in this period, are considered to be full-term, but their weight is slightly less than of those, born in singleton pregnancies.

Ingestion organs are more passable, intestinal villi are formed and gradually start fulfilling their peristaltic functions, the first stool – meconium – passes to the lower channels. The microflora begins to fill with bacteria, necessary for digestion, only after the first feeding by breast milk or artificial lactation aid.

The sucking apparatus is ready to fulfil its role in a child's body. The process of food absorption will begin immediately after the birth, while feeding the baby. Thanks to the special rolls on the lips mucous membrane, the newborn is able to suck milk easily.

By the end of pregnancy, the babies weigh from 2.5 to 3.7 kg, are from 47 to 55 cm high, and there is about 1-2 litters of amniotic fluid. It has been a long, difficult period of pregnancy – and here it is, the long-awaited double miracle. Now you will have all the pleasant cares – the best thing that can happen in a woman's life!


  • Cora says:

    I have 38 weeks. I wait for the girl and the doctor has told that I will give birth on this week. He suggested to lie down to wait in clinic, but I have decided to wait at home)

  • Patrina says:

    To us there are 38 weeks, waiting for twins. At me there’s no any more forces left, I was very strongly tired. I want to give birth quicker. I wish everyone easy childbirth)

  • Valentina says:

    I’m on the 38th week of pregnancy. There isn’t much time left. I’ll soon see my son. My husband also can’t wait for the moment to come

  • Precious-Caleb says:

    i’m in my 38th week too, and it’s my first, really wish i could give birth right now, can’t wait to see her…..

  • Ruth says:

    Am 39 weeks, being bored with big tummy.

  • Hope says:

    I’m 38 weeks & I can’t wait to meet my baby girl ????

  • Kafi says:

    I’m ready like a month now ????

  • shakira says:

    am 38 wks,,am bored,,,just want it to happen even today

  • Mary says:

    am 38 weeks, I feel my son is caming any time from now I can’t wait to see him.

  • Vadnee17 says:

    I’m38 weeks and excited and anxious

  • Kate says:

    I am expectant and nervous

  • julia says:

    Am 38 now… I cannot wait anymore to hold my son.

  • Tracy says:

    My scan date was 18 February 2017 for me to see my son but its 2 march today and haven’t see any sign yet. Pls help me

  • Hope says:

    38 weeks 2 days today8 days to goCan’t wait to see my little boy ,little brother of my cute daughter

  • Natalie Gates says:

    I am 37 weeks, wish GOD BLESS me with a baby girl. “AMEN”.

  • impatient kirsty says:

    im between 38 and 39 weeks im so impatient my son taking forever to come

  • abigael says:

    am 39 weeks cnt wait to hold him

  • Mrs ajiboye says:

    Am 38wk today,i feel like seeing my baby

  • ammy says:

    I’m 38 weeks pregnant and passing a thick milky sometimes watery discharge I am having lower back pain and lower abdominal pain with pressure at my virginal is this normal?

  • Ibn e adam says:

    M 37 weeks pregnant nd waiting that great day when i will have my baby in my handsWish u all the best mums ????????

  • comfort omogbemi says:

    am 38weeks,and just feel discomfort and pain at night in my lower abdominal,can’t wait to hold my baby

  • sher says:

    Im 38 weeks and I can’t wait to see her little face. Wish it could happen now.

  • Tonya says:

    I’m 38 weeks and pain in the pelvic and discharge I’m so ready to seey lil angel

  • Abdullah says:

    I’m 38 weeks pregnant and no have pain what should I do

  • Bukola says:

    I’m 38weeks nw & I’m having ds stomach pain with contractions I don’t understand. Pls any helpful prompt response. Thanks

  • dineo says:

    i’ m 37 and already been booked for next week friday 4 c- section is it okay?

  • veronica says:

    I’m 37 weeks I have a stomach pain and she’s moving to much

  • Chinkyeyes says:

    I am 38 weeks can’t wait to see my baby girl????????

  • Virginia says:

    Did you go through with it?

  • princess says:

    Am 38 weeks, can’t wait to see my daughter

  • suzie says:

    jooo even my self Am tired jooo 38 weeks and 5 days I wish labour can start nw I wat to hold NY bby

  • faith254 says:

    am 38 week I pray to deliver norms

  • gina says:

    I’m not looking forward to having this child as I am not happy in this pregnancy

  • Amber says:

    How to bring on labour at 38 weeks pregnant?

  • Maria says:

    I’m going to be a mother soon and I want to ask those who already have a baby something. I’m on the 38th week of pregnancy now. 3 days ago, I was examined by a doctor. He said that the neck of the womb is 1.5 cm dilated. So what I want to know is whether it’s possible to say how much time before labour begins is left based on this?

  • Mandy says:

    I think it is normal to be dilated 1 or 2cm when you are closer to labour. Some women even dilated 2cm from a few days untill delivery. You might already delivered by today date now 🙂 good luck! I’m also expecting my first baby and today is 38 weeks+2 :)))

  • shana says:

    I’m 38 weeks and have been dialated 1.5 for quite a few weeks. All I know is she’s on her way. These contractions are very painful and lasting three minutes each. They range up to 75 on a scale from 0-100. I have a high pain tolerance so it’s hard for me to know when to go except for waiting on my water to break. right now, i have no clue how much dialated I am or if I’m thinned out.

  • Marvy says:

    I’m 38 weeks 2dy.Cnt wait to hold my baby boy.Is lyk he’s taking 4ever nw

  • tintswalo says:

    I’m 38 week .I can’t wait to ç my child

  • patience masedi says:

    I’m 38 and some few day.yoo I’m so happy and I can’t wait to hold my baby

  • Cecilia says:

    l am 38wks can’t wait to hold my Angel..please God be with me so that l will deliver like Hebrew women .

  • blondis says:

    am 38wks nw cant wait to hole my bby is like he is taking the hole yr to cm lol..

  • Agnes says:

    I’m 37 weeks 2dys,so excited to welcome my prince to this world.cnt wait to hold n kiss him

  • Natheerah says:

    38 weeks today and super excited to meet my princess …my son is more ecstatic talking to my tum tum al the time and fights in the morning he cnt go to school because I’m alone at home.. his been a big help with packing baby bag for his his age only 5years … I even got him a gift saying it’s from his sister ????

  • Phume says:

    I’m 38 weeks pregnant and I can’t wait to meet my son his big brother and hubby are also counting days may God be with us all pregnant woman and give birth to the healthy and beautiful babies❤

  • Vincent says:

    My wife is 38 weeks pregnant old and i can’t wait to see my baby boy cry for the first time

  • GeethA says:

    I have 2baby first girl Second boy or girl not thinking

  • Faith says:

    Am 38 weeks+5 days can’t wait to c my second baby girl.

  • Cynthia says:

    Am 38 weeks and 3 days am laft with 1week and 3 days it good to have sex everyday anutil I give birth

  • thandi says:

    i am 38weeks with twins & so tired of waiting to give birth, my feet are swollwen i cant sleep at nyt tossing & turning .the period pains come everyday .i just want to give birth to my baby boy & baby girl i cant wait to hold them in my arms .

  • Joy says:

    I’m 38 week’s +2days today. feeling like I’m going to have a period down there and lower back pain. breast tenderness.

  • ify says:

    I am 38 and I can’t walk for 1min. Having this contractions That is so uncomfortable .can’t wait to carry my baby

  • Gladys says:

    Am 39 weeks a lot of contractions .hopping for the best soon.

  • Mercy says:

    I am 38 weeks today I can’t wait to see my baby.

  • Gracie says:

    I am 38 weeks today… I can’t wait to hold the little girls though the last ultrasound scan said she has a loose chord around the neck.. Am very confident that everything will turn out victorious

  • Courtney says:

    I’m 38 weeks and 3 days pregnant, she’s moving a lot. Its my second baby. I cant wait to hold my baby girl. the thing is that I still haven’t picked out a name!!

  • Jey says:

    I am 38 week and 4 days today, and just cant wait to meet my Lil Angel

  • patoyed says:

    i am 38wks today n cant wait to av my baby

  • Shanti says:

    I am 38 week but my stomach is so tight all the time, but I can feel baby movement

  • Bobbie says:

    im 39 weeks on tuesday. due in 8 days time with my second son. we are all really excited and my 3 yo cant wait to meet his little brother 🙂

  • Eunny favoured says:

    am 38wks of pregnancy and i can’t wait to see en kiss my little angel

  • Ria says:

    I’m 38weeks pregnant and it feels like forever I was pregnant or even had a big tummy,I really can’t wait to meet my little princess

  • Uzoma Amarachi says:

    Am 38weeks and 6 days today I do have a sleepless nights, and I notice a watery milky something from my vagina I don’t know what to say but the doctor said that I should come to hospital if I see any sigh before Next Week that Is my due date.i can’t wait to kiss my little princess,my bestie,my world.

  • Precious says:

    Am 36 weeks n 2 days pregnancy n it’s ma first born….how can I know that it’s ma labour pain starting???

  • Nandana Akhiljith India says:

    I m 38 week today .very happy also tired.eagerly waiting 4 our baby.dnt knw if thats a prince or princess.lots of kisses.dady nd mommy loves u a lot mmmwah.

  • Sally says:

    I am 38 weeks today..and I pray for safe delivery..healthy baby and me????..God bless us all!!!!!

  • benedicta says:

    I am 38 weeks and 4 days,can’t wait to see my baby girl

  • Annalise says:

    I am 38weeks and 4days i can’t wait to see my baby girl tomorrow night my second child c-setion

  • Zish says:

    thanks dear God is with Us All

  • Milly54 says:

    Am 38 weeks and 4 days and haven’t felt any contractions. Just hoping all is well. God protect us

  • maggie says:

    am also in the same situation with the same questinon

  • Happy says:

    The same here so happy can’t wait to welcome my baby to this world, the good Lord will see all the expectant mothers through in Jesus name Amen.

  • Harriet says:

    I’m 38weeks but no sign of labor yet. Am kind of confused don’t know what to do cause am so ready to see my cute baby boy.

  • Martha says:

    Hi I’m 38 weeks and experiencing a thick white discharge .pain between my legs and back painIs it normal ? Can I talk to my doctor about inducing labor before 40 weeks ? I’m so tired my foot are swollen

  • SophiaM says:

    Hi, I am 38weeks, waiting for my baby girl to come. Have mixed feelings, impatient, bored, worried, anxious and nervous wether I will make a good mom. Want her to stay as much as she needs inside although counting days to my due date. God bless us all with easy birth.

  • Abe says:

    Blessings to all

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