24 Hour Urine Test During Pregnancy

24 Hour Urine Test During Pregnancy


24 Hour Urine Test in Pregnancy

Daily analysis is to collect all urine for the past 24 hours. It is used to determine how much urine has been excreted over a given period of time to evaluate the health of the kidneys.

This survey is used to determine the amount of creatinine filtered by the kidneys and how many different minerals, protein and hormone secretion is lost in a day. How to collect a daily urine analysis correctly you can learn from this article.

What Factors Affect the Accuracy of the Analysis?

  1. If the patient collects the urine after the end of the diurnal period.
  2. Part of urine has accidentally been spilled.
  3. Use of some products or medicines not recommended by a doctor.
  4. When the patient collects in the container not the whole urine, but only part of it.
  5. Incorrect storage of analysis.

How to Properly Collect the Urine

24 Hour Urine Test In Pregnancy

Training and a special diet before analysis is not necessary. But a doctor may recommend to exclude some products from the diet.

For proper analysis the compliance with the following rules will help you:

  • to fully collect all urine during the day, you should dedicate to it a whole day and stay home to pee only in special container;
  • you need to inform your doctor before prescribing the analysis about potential pregnancy or taking medications, vitamins or herbs;
  • before analysis the patient will be given a special container, in which he will need to collect all urine for 24 hours, without spilling and not leaving part of it outside of the container. The analysis should be kept in a cool place;
  • it is better to start collecting in the morning. You do not need to save the first portion. The patient should note the time when he started collecting and collect it until the next day. At the end of the collecting process you need to urinate in the same time exactly after 24 hours. Sometimes a doctor may prescribe the collection of analysis within a few days;
  • after you collected urine it should be taken to a laboratory, where the experts will make the analysis.

Daily Analysis Of Urine for Sugar

Daily urine analysis is made for the diagnosis of diabetes, because it is more illustrative than the general analysis of morning urine. With the help of it the absolute quantity of discharged glucose in a day is determined: severity of glucosuria (glucose in urine). This test is not included in the list of mandatory pregnancy tests, but it may be prescribed if a doctor suspects diabetes at a pregnant woman.

How to undergo daily urine test for sugar:

  1. Prepare a 3-5 liter jar (depending on the individual daily diuresis) to collect urine during the day and a capacity of 200 ml, in which the material will be delivered to the laboratory.
  2. The urine is collected from 6.00-9.00 am to 6.00-9.00 am of the next day.
  3. The first portion of urine after sleep goes down the toilet. The next portion of the urine is considered to be the first, the last one is which is taken the next morning.
  4. The material is stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 4-8 °C, or other cool place.
  5. Data of the daily diuresis (total quantity of urine) is fixed in the appointment card.
  6. The primary material is shaken off and 100-150 ml of urine is poured in a container prepared in advance. It should be taken to the lab.

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