20 Pregnancy Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

Pregnancy Symptoms You Should Never Ignore


Pregnancy Warning Signs You Shouldn't Be Ignoring

For the beginning remember that even if you do not see the source of your anxiety in this list, then it is better to be over-cautious and call for help than to agonize for hours without knowing, whether you have a preterm birth, or you just pulled the ligaments. Note that some of these symptoms may occur more or less acutely depending on the duration of pregnancy, specific situation or medical record.

  1. The baby moves less than usual. Consult your doctor, whether to monitor fetal movements, counting their number daily. He will give you specific instructions on how to count and when to call.
  2. Severe or ongoing pain in the abdomen.
  3. Vaginal bleeding or spotting. An increase in vaginal discharge or change of their type-that is, if they become watery or bloody (even just pinkish)-should alert you. However, after 37 weeks, increase of the amount of mucus is normal and could mean an early start of the childbirth.
  4. Pelvic pressure (feeling that the baby is pushing down), back pain (especially if it was not before), cramps or menstrual pain in the abdomen, occurring before 37 weeks.
  5. Pain or burning when urinating, small number of, or absence of urine.
  6. Severe or continuing vomiting, any vomiting accompanied by pain or fever.
  7. Chills or temperature of 39 degrees and above.
  8. Visual disorders like forking in the eyes, blurring, dimming, flashing lights or floating spots in your field of vision.
  9. Persistent or severe headache, any headache accompanied by deterioration in vision, slurred speech or numbness.
  10. Any facial swelling and puffiness around the eyes, severe and sudden swelling of the feet or ankles, rapid weight gain (more than 2 kilograms per week).
  11. Persistent or severe leg cramps, or one leg is more swollen than the other.
  12. Abdominal trauma.
  13. Fainting, frequent dizziness, rapid heart palpitations.
  14. Shortness of breath, coughing with blood, chest pain.
  15. Severe constipation accompanied by abdominal pain, or severe diarrhea that lasts longer than 24 hours.
  16. Persistent intense itching of the trunk, arms, legs, palms, or soles.
  17. If you were in close contact with the sick with the flu, or if you have flu symptoms, which include fever, sore throat, cough, runny nose or nasal congestion, fatigue and pain in the body and chills. Sometimes vomiting and diarrhea transpire. Immediately seek emergency medical care if you experience shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, pain in the chest and abdomen, sudden dizziness or confusion, or if you have a fever, despite taking paracetamol.
  18. Contact with infectious diseases such as chicken pox or rubella if you have not had them.
  19. Antenatal depression or severe anxiety.
  20. The exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Your body is changing so rapidly that it is difficult to understand your condition properly. If you feel uneasy, rely on intuition and call your doctor. If the suspicion is confirmed, you will receive the assistance at once. If there is nothing to worry about, you'll become calmer. Finally, if the term is already big, check out the harbingers of birth, then you'll know what to do.

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